Critical Race Theory Question

crazy definitely

is she right?

You do?

Then maybe you can tell me what “white culture” is and how it differs from “non-white culture”.

anyone who says the phrase “White Culture” is very much a white nationalist.

they will use term like Anglo-Saxon but they stopped being cultural relevant 1000 years ago.
but if you use that term your not talking about “White Culture” your talking about a very specif culture of the British Isles, that doesn’t include the rich Germanic culture, etc. who are also “White”

the whole “White European Culture” is a myth created by racist whites to scare other racist whites of minorities.

There very much is a “American Culture” which simply is taking the best of all other cultures from around the world and mixing it together. America is the very definition of multiculturalism.

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FBI disagree with you.
maybe you should let them know.

No. Not all white people are racist, and black men are not savages.

I provided a response. However you didn’t answer my question in good faith. The question about your definition of oppression.

Well, you seem to be fascinated with her…so…

Raising my hand here.
I have done all that plus more.
I have gone to my state capital and talked to all the people there that have anything to do with what is being taught in our schools. .
Yet your so sure that only you know what’s going on.

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The true rebels disavow anything connected to government.

It’s so ■■■■■■■ cool.

Maybe you should take a class on CRT before judging it.

How would you know what is being taught in USA schools? Do you have any children in USA schools?

Like you have? Where do you suggest?

No, I’m a moron who brought it up in a discussion while not having read it.

I think based on what’s going on in Canada at this moment, some looking in the mirror needs to take place before a finger it pointed at schools in the US.

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Did you make the argument at the time that this other guy had long hair too, and ask why the different standards?

this isnt about me

i understand - when you have nothing else to offer…

There’s your “mock” trial.

thought it’s time to have a PSA on how really to identify the leftist cultural cancer that is CRT

This is a good start.

puts some context to any list of words, such as when people talk about “systemic racism” or “institutional racism” which thankfully doesn’t exist anymore or can even be pointed out but is still used as a construct for crt, oddly

viewing everything through the prism of race is another. See, the liberals (actual liberals) have pretty much achieved everything they can in society through a short time, with abolition. suffrage, etc so now leftism has morphed into some grotesque cultural monster regurgitating everything that has already been solved. that’s why they want to make everything about race again, to find or make problems only they can solve to be relevant.

anyway crt garbage will likely be parroted by someone near you without actually calling it that. so learn to see how it appears. whether in the schools or at work it is likely on your doorstep. this article gives some ideas in how to fight it too

Are schools allowed to mention slavery? The Civil War? Segregation in the armed forces? Bathroom facilities, lunch counters, buses and water fountains? Lynchings? Emmitt Till? Separate but equal? Housing discrimination?

Yes. But you knew that.