Critical Race Theory Question

I mean all it took was few thousands years of non stop pillaging and warring before Europe said lets be friends.

I have no doubt there are anti-white people.
but I highly doubt the majority of liberal are pushing anti-white policy belief.

CRT is no way “Anti-White”

Of course it is. But it’s also anti anyone who doesn’t join their cause and be an anti racist.

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explain how its anti-white.

Read Kendi’s book.

have you read it?

It’s taught in almost all prestigious law schools. At the very least, it an elective

well ya I would think understanding the systematical effect of racism in the legal system would be important to lawyers.

these people are yelling at their local public school boards thinking there going to teach it to children.

No it isn’t.


Sociology, education,

Change the channel.

Actually it’s true. It’s just not their fault.

it’s odd really, because when i have a strong position on something and someone asks i pour it out and dont play such games. i dont require they provide definitions of something i’ve been posting about for days. i don’t post smilies everywhere. i seriously engage.

and i certainly dont post woke talking points and sidestep any serious inquiry.

but then i’m a just a mere thinking man.


Yes, it is. Been posted several times in a couple of these threads.

yeah change the channel - away from reality

that does that have to do with CRT?

that it is CRT?

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Just glanced at her social media. She also hates black men, and think they have a bloodlust, savages who want to kill gay people.

So no, I don’t think that is CRT, she is just crazy.