Crit Crap Makin' For Head Shakin'

Concrete isn’t the main cause of heat islands, black roofs and asphalt streets are worse.

Trees can mitigate the street issue to some extent and roofs now need to be either green roofs of high reflects ceiling materials.

Good thing I didn’t do any such thing.

Yeah, redlining was definitely the fault of the minorities. Check mate libs.


Yes. Redlining is racism.

You sure do have a lot of excuses, when the answer is the same for us all. Get an education…study…learn…make yourself valuable to an employer…and collect the financial rewards for your personal sacrifice.



Sure, sure. I’m glad you said “main”.

It was outlawed decades ago. So why are you still making excuses?


You should tell the people in Atlanta are I do that. It seems so simple.

Anything else?

I’m right. And I’m glad you’re glad.

Agreed, that was pretty sad.


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Tell them that schooling is free? It is that simple but the sacrifice is not. It’s just like repairing that window that’s painted shut. You can bitch or you can fix it? See how this works for all of us equally?


And? …Are suburban neighborhoods provided with anything? Or is that different?

You asked why people don’t move. I told you one reason.

It’s why I never moved. Bought a small house 25 years ago. We always thought we would get something bigger when we had kids. When that time came home values in my town tripled and we couldn’t afford to move up. My house is worth a mint right now during Covid as people flee the city But if we sold we couldn’t find anything to buy in our town.

Not excuses. Explanations.

The cities haven’t invested in the infrastructure of greenways and cooling centers.

This is a story about that.

…and I told you the actual problem but it’s being ignored. If you build your house of straw, the big bad wolf of life will blow it down and the wolf isn’t racist.


Are you not suggesting their inherent laziness keeps them from fixing their windows?

The government did provide me a single tree or blade of grass. Ever.

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