Crazy Case of Police Abuse

That’s crap.

And the only poster bringing partisanship into this thread is you. And you had to force a square peg into a round hole to do it.

Yay, you have a tribe and every topic you come across is cast as your tribe against your enemy tribe. Even if the topic has no relation to either.

Here, I’ll sooth your itch… Democrats are self-interested gas bags and a huge part of the problem. They use tired identity politics and freebies to get votes and then sell out to whatever lobbyist butters their bread on every policy they can get away with.

They fight dirty, lie and abuse power when they they have it to maintain their position.

And like Republicans they have die-hard cheerleaders who twist every topic into a lashing out against their political enemies.


My problem is those that claim abuse of power only care when it effect them while remaining silent when it benefits them. Those do that are hypocrites. Be consistent.


:+1: :+1: :clap: :clap: Good Point.


I’ll buy that, but you did not execute to your own standards.

You listed only abuses that benefit D and hurt R. Shouldn’t you also list abuses that benefit R and hurt D.

Maybe also throw in some other abuse claims for other groups too.

That’s why I misinterpreted your appeal to consistency. You overlooked listing abuses that you may have benefit from.

Anyone who wasn’t a local was a Yankee until proven otherwise. :wink:

You are just young enough that you don’t remember it. In the sixties, States began shutting down local law enforcement’s ability to operate speed traps. And as I said, it was almost a cliché … every town did not do that.

I don’t like seeing abuse of power period…sadly thou it seems libs are the problem here. Remember I’m not targeting liberals…true liberals. But it seems true liberals have vanished into thin air.

You weren’t here back during patriot act and how if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about etc.

I’v been consistence here for nearly 17 years. I’m always the first to send out warning signs. But IMO we need the justice department to go after libs…but again they’re libs so they won’t do that.

Libs equal authoritarianism hiding behind liberalism to impose their authoritarianism. They’re fake liberals. Enemy at the gate are less feared.

I don’t see how this ticketing scam in Brookside is cause by D or R or ideology at all. Looks like greed brazenness instigated locally. You’ll have to connect the dots for me.

I was here, just not posting.

Sure, but the standard you applied to me was that it was hypocritical for me to post about this Brookside thing without also bringing up D, or lib, or whatever you want to call the cadre that you oppose.

But seems you can talk about this lib abuse all on its own.

I’m not sure I buy that your standard is “consistency”. It seems more like you want me to focus on lib abuse and not bring up this Brookside thing at all.

Reading between the lines I sense that in your view all abuse is coming from libs so that’s all you need to bring up. But that is not my view at all, so how should I apply your consistency standard to your posts that have so far only presented abuse from one side.

Something seems fishy with these standards.

I would like if you focus on all abuse of power, whether it’s a corrupt police or federal government agency like FBI. They erode our freedoms and harm our civil liberties.

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Really not possible to focus on them all in each thread.

When I see clear cut abuses I speak my piece, but nothing nefarious about me choosing one specific case or another.

Certain things draw me into discussion more than others and the less partisan they are the more I am interested. Certain topics in this forum are so charged up with over the top playground antics that I just steer clear.