Crackpot Conspiracy Theorist Running House dimocrat Leadership (pelosi)

As I said, I kind of agree with you.
At this point he could shoot Justice Ginsburg in front of a crowd and not face any consequences.

I don’t care who allegedly peed on whom. Sorry.

Your opinion of golden showers is not the point. The point is, if such a tape existed, that you apparently think Trump would be happy to make it public because we already know he’s a sexual deviant. A strange position for one of his followers to take, methinks.

It’d probably make him more popular. It’d make the libs SO MAD.

Err no, using the audacity of casting doubt on our intelligence agencies as criticism is a hoot considering what the left did for the last decade or so. Here is a fun little chart

So spare me the lefts new found respect for intelligence agencies ok?

Maybe someone had been stung by a jelly fish.

That actually makes it worse. Plus you’re covered in piss afterwards.

So exactly what I said: whataboutism. The Democrats have criticized intelligence agencies before, so I can’t criticize Trump for criticizing intelligence agencies. That’s a lame argument.

Wait. Friends lied to me?

Honey, if you’re getting your knowledge from sitcoms, you’re doing it wrong.

Did you complain about elected Democrats doing so for years on end?

I get all my medical knowledge from sitcoms. When Doogie Howser went off the air my health took a nosedive.

Because Trump is more Obama than Obama ever was. Same character flaws, same over inflated sense of self…all ten fold over. And I’ve said that from day one of his candidacy, he is everything we on the right despised about Obama. He was elected solely because some people were more interested in showing those dirty liberals what for then they were in fixing the country.

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Great show. I can almost hear the theme song in my head. I’m going work on not getting that stuck in there.

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Elected Democrats who have questioned the integrity of intelligence agencies to protect themselves should be criticized. I have no interest in defending Democrats, which is one the reasons I rarely vote for them.

He was the only one pushing stopping illegal immigration as an issue and wanted to reform the immigration system. There was a tacit agreement after 2012 that this should not be an issue because Republicans believed Latinos were automatically against enforcing immigration laws.
Trump was nominated over issues, not for showing anybody anything.

Here’s the real conspiracy theory: finding innocent explanations for Trump et als actions and words regarding Russian electoral meddling.

Seriously, Trump, his associates, and some Republicans are acting guilty as ■■■■■ there are huge clouds of corrupt smoke swirling the White House, the Mueller investigation widens and deepens, sooo…

Instead of pretending that Trump looks, acts, and sounds like a compromised asset, create some innocent explanations for all this weird behavior.

THAT’s the conspiracy theory, coming up with ways to make this sound innocent.


If Democrats didn’t want our country to be corrupt, they wouldn’t have elected Obama. Republicans are working out of the lib playbook now, and it turns out they’re better at this game. Republicans don’t care that foreign powers are helping them win. They will reward the countries that help them, and attack countries that aren’t on their team.

This is all the Democrats fault. Suck it lib.