CPAC in Hungary, with Viktor Orban as a Role Model

May I ask what this means?

Defend, Deflect, Deny, Diminish, Cognitive Dissonance and Denigrate

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Ok, I am pretty sure I can point to Republicans doing all those things as well . But thank you for the explanation.

Of course we can. I’m not a republican.

I know but you use that phrase towards Democrats only when Republicans are just as guilty in my opinion.

Well, not “just as guilty”, but they do do it. Republicans aren’t in power right now.

Nothing goes through the House they don’t want to if they all stick together.

The House is in disarray, as it is supposed to be. Meanwhile, dems have the Senate and the Executive Court of Eunuchs the latter being the more onerous of all.

This is one idea of great leadership:


He packed the courts, gerrymandered making his party wins,even if they get less votes, his oligarch buddies own the media to ensure only the message he wants to be out, gets out. He banned gay marriage, banned gay couples to adopt kids.

He is exactly what the Repubs want to do to America,


He did all that after he got power.

He got in power because he promised Hungarians he wouldn’t let Hungary be Germany when it came to immigration. Understandable they’d go for that considering the ■■■■ show that was going on at the time.

The Euro-Left created ■■■■■■■■ like Orban. Because they chose Syrian refugees over their own people’s concerns.

You guys never stop to think what made guys like Orban and Trump appealing in the first place.


Open your left eye.



You say that like it’s a bad thing.

Orban is a Hegelian.

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Yes, he got in power, by vilifying the “other” aka brown immigrants, who also have a scary different religion. It is what wanna be authoritarians do…because it works.

How is Germany doing with all those immigrants?

Fear is a very effective tool, that is what Orban,Trump and every other authoritarian uses.

Orban created Orban…blaming the Euro left is weak.


Our 'Mocracy is in peril!

Climate Crisis!


The left made us be fascist is a novel argument.


He sounds a lot like authoritarian biden.
Biden vilified half the country calling them evil terrorist who are a threat to democracy.
Biden and the democrats with the help of the leftist news are spending a lot of time vilifying Christians.


Not novel: “Look what you made me do” is the “Free Bird” of abuser-logic.


The left turned fascist is not.

Not what I’m saying.

I’m saying that people had reasonable concerns that were ignored.

There was a guy claiming to try and do something about it.

Years of broken promises by the euro-left made it easy for them to change over.