Cowboys for Trump creator found guilty in second US Capitol attack trial

Every year folks die there because they are too dumb to realize it’s not a petting zoo and there are no bars.

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I admit, it is kind of difficult to tell which one is the sow.



Yeah, if they only wiped their feet before entering.

So you really think it’s cool to speak about women that way?

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The horror. :rofl:

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Har har har…them’s patriots just done ripped up the cap-e-tal!!

Selective outrage. I haven’t seen any complaints when the left invades or damages federal buildings from you.


Per usual you haven’t been paying attention.

But anyway, we were discussing this one particular set of vandalism and destruction.

You want to talk about some other incident, start a thread, I’ll jump in.

I accept your emotional surrender. lol


How convenient.


The left tried to burn a good deal of the country down in 2020 (along with beating and killing people) with little more than a wink and a nod from the left.

What few were arrested usually got released.

People that mostly just walked thru the capitol building are getting serious jail time and many were held for up to a year without a hearing.

That’s unAmerican/unconstituional and pure political persecution.

The sort of thing that would make Putin proud. :roll_eyes:


Like I said - start a thread. Be app to condemn anyone any time destroying property - not just federal property. State, private, whatever…not acceptable.

Care to say the same about the mob that attacked and damaged the capital? Or are you with Six that it’s really not a big deal?

And I notice Zantax never condemns it either.

What a sad reality when I validate one’s existence. :rofl:

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This one is fine.

What is my condemnation worth to you?

Got it.

I understand.

What do you feel you understand?

Your position on condemning the Jan 6 attack on the capital.

What’s my condemnation worth to you?

Then you aren’t paying attention. I have no use for anyone that attacks cops for instance.