Coward Liz Warren is afraid of Fox news

No. Not unless he accuses them of being racists then fails to back up his accusations. She didn’t need to lie about them. She could have politely refused without the lame assed, bogus excuse.

I feel your pain. :confounded:

You may ask me the question again. I only ask that you are as respectful to me as I am to you.

The Tucker who doesn’t care about race who called white women with “jungle fever” “mud sharks”? Recording available. Carlson cares about race a great deal. Can we get back to talking about reality now?

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Oh? They are higher rated than ABC, NBC, and CBS?

Desperate much?

Trump’s accused them (CNN) of being 'the enemy of the people" and “fake news”.

Trump has removed Acosta’s press pass because Trump didn’t like the questions.

Trump would rather go on Fox News for the hard-hitting questions - "Oh King Trump, how are you today? Do you know the 11 secret herbs and spices in KFC’s chicken recipe?

And as an interesting point, I see people who are FOX supporters call them RINOs and Liberals, etc. because they don’t hate enough.

It’s interesting that you want to trap posters into linking the horrendous comments that are made on FOX news comments…comments that frequently become SO bad that FOX has to shut the comment section down…these are FOX people. Why does FOX attract that kind so much?

Exactly…he’s chumming with ban bait.

He was being sarcastic.

When exactly when did this happen? And what was the context?

And more importantly, why is Liz condemning every person at FOX rather than calling out Tucker by name? Dana Perino or Geraldo certainly not bigots. Why are they included?

Dodge much?

In your opinion, who are the top five racists at FOX? Liz can’t just throw crap around without evidence to support it.

So…did Warren lie about having some Native ancestry or not?

My ADD just kicked in. Am I the “he?” If so you are free to ask me any questions. Usually, speculations are wrong. I’m right here. No need to speculate. Ask away.:slightly_smiling_face:

She should go ahead and have a POW wow with them.

I repeat, do you want to get back to reality or continue hair splitting to defend what a few posts back you were insisting didn’t happen.

Liz made the accusation that FOX news are bigots. She owns it. It’s up to her to prove it. So far she’s offered nuttin.

Liz made the accusation that FOX news are bigots. She owns it. It’s up to her to prove it. So far she’s offered nuttin. She did not accuse Tucker specifically. She needs to be clear and define exactly who she is speaking of.

Probably less than your average Joe. I could probably have more claim to being black. But, this has already been argued in this forum many, many times. People have already decided. Your mind is made up. So is mine.

Should Liz be willing to back up her accusations of Racism against FOX?

Right, it’s like when Trump used the ■■■■■■■■■■ countries comments. He doesn’t actually care about the race of those people. He just wants the successful ones to come. That’s why he mentioned ■■■■■■■■■■ countries and compared them to Norway. You know, rather than just talking about the income level or skills of immigrants regardless of their origin.