COVID Relief and the Strategy

So you strategy in negotiation is “give me what I want you get nothing”.

New is reporting that the Administration wanted $1T, DEM’s passed a $3.4T and offered to meet at over halfway and said $2T.

It was rejected.


And to be clear, there wasn’t even enough support to pass a bill in the Senate that extended UE at two hundred dollars a week. You know, their bill. The idea that they would be okay with extending UE at six hundred even for a month or two is ■■■■■■■ fanciful at best.

It’s also what, not how much.

Yeah they literally offered to meet them in the middle and were turned down. I’m sure the voters will be super concerned about the technical minutiae of this and not just see that the Republicans ■■■■■■ them out of their unemployment money.

Pols vote or threaten to vote against bills for many different reasons. If I was a Senator and wanted $600, of course I would vote against a bill with $200. It’s not enough.

If I am a Senator, why am I going to vote for a bill that includes bail outs of cities that goes back decades? I’m not.

Pelosi and Schumer don’t want a clean UE bill for any amount.


Never let a crisis go to waste right? We know, it’s one of the reasons I’ll never vote for a Democrat.


9 posts were merged into an existing topic: General Slop from Various Threads

There is no timeline, not even the dumbest timeline which we currently live in, where the Republicans don’t get obliterated in the election if they walk away from these negotiations for one of their patented Principled Stands™.

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The dems passed garbage.

This is not a game I would want to play in this political environment if I was the GOP. Besides the high unemployment and the 32 percent of Americans who cannot pay their housing, the red state of Missouri passed the ACA Medicare expansion. It’s becoming clear the people want social nets. Not sure if I would play this game of chicken.


For those too young to remember.

Irrelevant from an optics viewpoint. The Senate/Administration should have been working out the issues for the last 2.5 freaking months.


Completely relevant. The President needs to have a press conference. Bullet point list of every demand that has nothing to do with the virus.

That’s the Pelosi Narrative.

The President is doing a press conference as we speak.


You’d think the ■■■■■■■ people who rose to power by doing this exact same thing during a recession in 2010 and 2012 would be able to see that’s what the Democrats will do to them.

Just in terms of pure amoral political calculus, it makes the most sense for Democrats to let them fail and then go into 2020 with all three branches and FDR numbers of seats. But they’re not.

Two weeks. Originally one week. Then they extended it for two weeks. That was it.

The Democrats passed legislation in May. It has sat on McConnell’s desk for 12 ■■■■■■■ weeks now. It was a starting point for negotiations.

The GOP, McConnell and Trump dragged their feet for weeks, praying COVID would magically disappear. When it didn’t, then McConnell broke into “oh ■■■■ mode” and started to craft GOP-only Senate legislation to counter what Pelosi’s House passed. But he had a rebellion in his own caucus and the Republicans decided they couldn’t support any relief package. As in none. As in 15-20 Republican Senators that said they would vote for nothing else. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

That forced McConnell to have to back out of negations and punt the entire United States Senate out of negotiations. Even to the point where he went ahead and sent the Senate home. Gone.

That left the Democrats and their legislation that was already passed, and a Trump administration that had been outside of the works this whole time.

Now, people want to blame Democrats? Seriously? It takes a massive amount of partisanship and intentionally covering ones right eye to come to the conclusion that it is anyone’s fault for where we are other than primarily the GOP.


So Trump came out a couple minutes ago and is talking about how actually the economy is amazing right now.

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Good. Helps both ends. Good start.

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Aboslutley. Get him in front of a mic as much as possible.

Every time he does he lies and steps on his (EDIT: Whops, assumed that would be filtered). Let’s just say he steps on his male appendage.

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Did the president just say he will sign a EO to extent the unemployment until the end of year?