Covid isn't working anymore- we need a new disease

What difference does that make? 1500 a week are dying with a diagnosis of COVID. What are you saying here? “Too bad for those poor ■■■■ heads with heart disease and diabetes?”

what does one not understand? the 1500 a week is bull ■■■■■

We’ve still got about 17 more years of the social retards repeating any dumbass thing they’re told too. All you have to do is wait for these sad fools to wake up and start seeking things on the internet to doom and gloom about.

Just laugh at the clowns, folks. This is their purpose. :wink:


Please. You’re wrong.

Simple. We already know that Covid was bad…no argument. However the reporting agencies you are putting your faith in had a tendency to claim if I kicked off from some other condition but also had Covid that Covid caused my demise.

I just googled your 1500 a week claim, every story seems to have the same talking point…weakened immunity and some new strain, a couple even argued for more masks. What no one talked about was how many if those alleged 1500 deaths last week were caused by X in a person who also might have had COVID.

If I had a heart attack while dealing with a covid caused sore throat and cough I died from the heart attack, not covid.


Depends on ones definition of wrong, I suppose. Ones narrative fed by WHO and the DAVOS elitists at the unworldly Econimic Forum. Maybe one should go ask the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Center (for misinformation) Disease Control (CDC) what is correct or not correct.

1500 is inflated misinformation.

I’d listen to the scientists, researchers, and epidemiologists at the CDC before I’d listen to your feelings.

You are right. Next time we should not repeat the horrendous mistakes that were made regarding Covid.

They’re being misdiagnosed, and the wool is being pulled further over those dough Bullwinkle eyes.


That’s understandable. It’s an election year and Biden is behind in the polls.


Sorry … We are onto that one. Crying wolf too often has consequences.

Control. Power is active and they want it back.

Is there any virus too light that leftists wouldn’t favor shutting down the country is a better question.

They love the control.

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Last year, 32,781 people died per week from heart disease, cancer, stroke, lung disease and diabetes. The 1500 you cite pales in comparison, particularly when you consider that most of them had illnesses like heart disease, cancer, lung disease and diabetes. Were on to the scare mongers.


You can’t kill a country because of a virus. “Two weeks to stop the spread” wasn’t a bad notion. The extension of that after we knew the effects of covid (little outside transmission, effects those with pre-existing conditions, effects elderly most) was ridiculous. I’d say it should be left to individual states to make those decisions based on information gathered from the CDC. Then, they can be held accountable for screwing up either way. The federal government’s hammer solutions see everything as a nail.


No. That is not a fact. Check your prepositions.


Whatever happened to evolution and that whole survival of the fittest thing?


I guess they don’t believe in Darwin after all. :man_shrugging:

Daddy gubmint will save them.