Covid isn't working anymore- we need a new disease

what were the causes of death previous to 2019?

Dying form covid. !500.

go wear your covid prevention paper mask. :laughing: :mask:


Oh SNAP! that was a good one.

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1500 covid deaths a week is bull ■■■■■ Unless you are a WHO groupie

For the week ending Dec. 9, the last week of complete data, there were 1,614 deaths from COVID, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The last four weeks of complete data show an average of 1,488 weekly deaths.

Right, I am sure they’re just blowing smoke.

with One Horse Dog Face Pony Soldier’s ( Biden ) unrestricted mass migration of illegal aliens, we may have many outbreaks of other diseases that were once under control in the USA.

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Now you are being ridiculous.

that is the source of your notion, CDC. I would rather go to some other sources of information. Get on the hamster wheel…

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Facts are facts. I will never understand why you righties made COVID your cause celebre.

It’s a fact. ~1500 people per week are still dying from COVID.

depending on the defination of facts. WHO and DAVAO elitists (along with their CCP buddies) will get the truth police to make sure to stamp out disinformation.

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What is DAVAO, and why would they do that? Seriously, what would be anyone’s reason to lie about that?

Is it your position that 1500 Americans are NOT dying of COVID weekly?

Davos, Switzerland world economic forum. sorry I stand corrected.

a bunch of controlller get to together in davos to plan their next bull ■■■■ ideas

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Such things do not exist in nature.

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Only stupid people can still be duped into believing thousands are dying of the Kung Flu every week in this country.


You got that right. But there are a lot of Biden supporters who think Biden is normal. As Forrest Gump said, “stupid is as stupid does.” Thank you for your comments, Six. +10

Socially retarded people* :wink:


Is the China flu the cause or an underlying cause alongside being overweight, having diabetes, heart disease….

You know the ole’ “Joe had a heart attack, and I guess he had Covid too….” thing?

The people you are claiming we should believe kinda destroyed their own credibility back in 2020.