COVID fascists on display

There lays the difference of opinion. Nice try. I am not seeing it.

I don’t understand what you are saying…

Let me ask you… do you think a private social platform should be able to censor content they don’t like?

You tell me? Biden encourages clampdown

I’m asking for your opinion. Not Biden’s

The belief that Laura Ingram is capable of saying profound things is a mistake.

Why do YOU want to disrespect people?

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you really seem to be having a hard time answering the question.

Doesn’t matter why, you still didn’t answer the question.

Do you think Hannity should censor posts on this board?

What word do you want to say?


I’ll be sure to report this to the Ways and Memes Committee.

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Notice they want to be able insult Hannity or Hannity friends.

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notice the deflections and accusations instead of answering a single yes/no question.

You want to censor people that has committed no crimes except goes against libs interest.

Is Child pornographic a crime yes or no?


If it was my forum…you can say whatever you want.

So what is it you want to say.

No, I want public social media platforms to censor people posting information that has a strong potential to be dangerous to public health.

Are you telling me its in the interest of conservatives for more people to die?

Yes. Do you believe censoring things that are illegal is somehow not censorship?

OK…then I believe social media should censor people that post misinformation that encourage violence against political opponents.

Are you seeing where this is going?


Is posting opposing views about covid vaccine a crime?


Care to show me that exception in the first amendment, becauseI can’t find it.


I do support that they should censor people that encourage violence against other people.

Even this forum believes that:

But yes, I do see you really want to make this non-political issue political. I don’t think platforms should censor political messages… but they are private platform and they have a right to do so if they want to.