COVID-19 body count is 200 million. Good Grief

MOPP suit. The best dressed military.


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Did you hear the joke about that:

Nancy’s hair dresser had better security cams than Epstein’s Cell


Nancy is a joke on her own merits. Actually there are others in the House of Representatives who are jokes, too. Adam Pile of Schiff comes to mind. He is still hawking the Russians but faials to connect the Russo-Clinton disinformation campaign focused against Trump.

What is wrong with y’all?

Florida had the most Covid deaths yesterday of all the states. So this seems cool.

Seriously. What is going on with GOP leadership in these states?

More dead grandparents? I don’t understand killing off your base.

And yet they’re still half of what NY has.

Lol. What a stat to quote. Don’t fear. They are working their way to New York levels with this new plan. They will be #1! They will be #1!

Fla has over 200 thousand more cases with half the deaths of NY.

3.5 more cases then NJ with same amount of total deaths.

As say Fla is well ahead of those two lib states…wouldn’t you?

Has anything changed since those dark days of spring? Maybe more information on treatments have been learned in dealing with a brand new disease? How do the two states compare today with new cases and deaths? Hint Florida is sucking.

Or maybe Fla didn’t send infected people back into nursing homes…just saying.

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That was criminal.
Let’s talk about what’s going on now. Florida is currently leading the country in daily deaths but restaurants can fully open. Yeah! Deadly virus with your Olive Garden breadsticks.

Then we will see Fla as test bed won’t we?

Let see how it looks month from now. I expect seeing a small spike but that’s about it.

Fla has highest rate of infect per million…so lets see if herd immunity starts kicking in.

Or are you afraid it might expose the false information that libs been spouting?

Why don’t you do a bit of reading about herd immunity from the governor of Mississippi. Who is not a dirty lib.

Will see…let the experiment begin.

Yeah dead grandparents!

Funny…I didn’t see your concerns about dead grandparents in NY…who BTW hand thousand or more died per day while Fla had 276 or so.

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I literally said it was criminal. Lol.

Is New York still in crisis? No. Because they did what they had to do to save lives. Terrible mistakes were made and learned from beginning of a pandemic for a new disease. What is Florida’s excuse?

Dead grandparents? Ask Gov Cuomo