Could We Have a New Speaker of the House In Just a Few Days?

Don’t worry about any of that.

We will have president Harris in 1 year. I truly believe that. Biden did his part to defeat trump. He is not needed too much after inauguration.

It is the narrative however.


I disagree. Biden serves his full term.


Yeah it is.


Two years and a day.

Here you go.

Harris isn’t needed either. We really don’t need anyone to totally remake the most successful country the world has ever seen. Even our poor are rich by world standards.

Or none at all.

Yahoo was one of the most successful company. So was blockbuster. Now they are nobody. America need to constantly improve and adjust. Or it will be gone. Women’s right, civil right, gay rights, child labor law came out of people demanding them. Don’t get complacent.

The promise has been fulfilled. You keep pushing and you’ll tip it over the other way.

pelosi is letting a dim break quarantine to come vote for her today.

The desperation is dangerous.

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Hey, she did it!

But for how long?

At least two more years.

We’ll see what happens.

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That will go down in history to be Trump’s go to phrase for almost any question.

He’s quite a character.

7 votes.

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Was that the difference? I still haven’t seen the final tally.

I think I heard only 429 out of 435 voted though. I know the Republican from LA passed away, and the NY-22 is still up in the air.

What about the other 4 members??

I don’t think that will go so smoothly.

Sleepy Joe has a dark side you don’t want to wake. He deserves the Presidency.