Could someone explain this message?

You choose to live in your “safe space”. So be it. Luv ya. :sunglasses:

I accept your surrender. Have a nice weekend.

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I am and thanks. Are you ready for this…the month just ended and it’s a new personal best…by a long shot. Soon…I’ve got to stop posting. :tumbler_glass: :sunglasses:

Ok I think I got it.

tenor (2)

Looks right.

Step away from…the keyboard. :tumbler_glass: :sunglasses:

The NG is not the military. It is totally legal.

No it isn’t. It wasn’t legal when the National Guard actually did shoot civilians at Kent State in 1970 either.

They are there in a support role, not as additional law enforcement. Sorry.

Of course it is. One act is all it takes.

Nope. That might work in Nazi Germany. It has never been the case here. Given who we currently have in the White House, I can understand your confusion though.

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How many of the guard did a minute in jail for Kent State? Not one. How did the civil suit go? 5 of them were indicted, not one minute in jail.

All it takes is one act of lethal threat.

So you’re actually defending the murder of students at Kent State by the US government now? Strange hill to stand on, but ok. Way to be consistent.

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:rofl: that is a pathetic straw man you built there. No, I’m not defending anything. I am simply correcting your erroneous statement.

You should read your own link. The answers are all in there.

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Pretty sure they were hinting some big action on china all week. That tweet was like a, “Here is what you been waiting for” kind of tweet.

Ok bud. You might want to read up on who fired the first shot. Hint: It wasn’t the students. Talk about strawmen.

No, it wasn’t the students. There is also some doubt that it was the NG. You might want to read up on it.


Yeah, it might have been the FBI informant, Norman.

But it’s unlikely we’ll ever know.

LOL It’s a trigger word.

And apparently it worked. :wink:

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It’s like Seinfeld going “Newman!”.

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And, I see you have. That’s a nice petard you built.

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