Coronavirus: WHO backflips on virus stance by condemning lockdowns

Last Friday I was told an elderly employee went home feeling ill while I was away on a meeting. When I got back…he still wasn’t. I called him and he sounded weak and congested. The symptoms instantly made me consider the virus and asked him if he’d been tested? His wife took him in that night because he wasn’t improving and he was diagnosed with COVID. He’s elderly and to tell you the truth…until I’m updated today, I am worried about him. This virus is real but…life goes on. I will take all the precautions I believe are necessary but I’m still going to live my life by more than just sucking air. I consider the times were presently in to be a balancing act…considering both the danger and the need to live.

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I’m going to live till i die myself. Rather than living being scared to death.


…and may The Lord build a hedge of health around you my friend. image

And like wise friend. :+1:t2:

Are they grabbing some sort of face covering & getting out & enjoying a few activities?

That’s a world of difference from staying behind closed doors coming up with excuses to not experience anything at all.

you mean several of the states with the smallest case death rates in the nation? now look where lock downs are the strictest enforced


Texas #2 and Florida #5.

not in case death rates. which would be a metric showing how well the state is managing the disease within their health care system.

Ah, so the actual number doesn’t matter. Got it.

Ranking in per capita deaths -

Arizona - #9
Florida - #11
Georgia - #13
Texas - #18

Not sure how you spin that into a good thing

Not #1. Or 2. Or 3.

Biden campaign will find a way.



What is the percentage of elderly in those states?


These factors make one more predisposed to inflammation that assists this virus in its destruction.

Having worked health care in Florida for a number of years, I can readily say there were more obese & a greater percentage over their normal limit than here in Massachusetts.

I’m having difficulty buying the death rate even though it’s pretty low with all the hair on fire responses to this virus.
I buy the number of people who died Covid-19 positive though suspect the number who died ‘due’ to Covid-19 to be much lower.

When someone dies from cancer do they test them also for influenza? Why does it seem regardless of underlying condition(s) Covid-19 testing is given and blamed now when someone dies Covid-19 positive?

no, it doesn’t. more people, more cases, more die.

no-one is. but then again no-one is trying to claim states that are dealing well with it are doing worse than those with the highest cdr’s… except you

Only if it confirms my bias.

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