Coronavirus: WHO backflips on virus stance by condemning lockdowns

Looks like WHO is agreeing with Trump admin! these lockdowns are not a solution! someone should just wake up the democrats who actually favor the lockdowns This doctor is right though. The locdkowns have done more harm then good.

The lockdowns were meant to flatten the curve. And yet liberal politicians allowed protests and riots to happen while these lockdowns were under way. Breaking that curve. This is not how you flatten a curve agaisnt virus.

If its a lockdown its a lockdown for everyone! rioters and protestors should be given no exceptions.

# Coronavirus: WHO backflips on virus stance by condemning lockdowns

The World Health Organisation has backflipped on its original COVID-19 stance after calling for world leaders to stop locking down their countries and economies.

Dr. David Nabarro from the WHO appealed to world leaders yesterday, telling them to stop “using lockdowns as your primary control method” of the coronavirus.

He also claimed that the only thing lockdowns achieved was poverty – with no mention of the potential lives saved.
“Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer,” he said.


The libs will backflip on their approval for WHO now.

“follow the science” or…is this now… different? :sunglasses:

Glad you posted this.

It is a huge reversal and the reason is the one that lockdown opponents said all along.

Poor people are dying from poverty and associated ills at a greater rate than the virus.

Should Biden win…this will be HIS justification to open and quit hitting us over the head with covid fatality numbers.

Yes, lockdowns kill people through suicide, depression, drug overdoses, etc. Many of the victims of lockdowns are young people.

Biden seems happy to sacrifice the young in a misguided attempt to protect the elderly.


there is no young tax payer’s lockbox

Democrat States and Cities are still flowing around with more restrictions and lockdowns.

Their disagreement isn’t with science, its with whether economies of some places are more important than other peoples health. Particularly, economies of some countries that rely on tourism are being devastated.
WHO seems more like a political organization that a health organization to me. I predict complete obscurity for them after their uselessness in this pandemic.


I have being looking at the Spanish Flu and the lockdowns during those times they also had some form of lockdowns but nowhere since i have read did they ever locked up businesses! to think that people back then were a bit smarter then we are at today.

The media is also to blame for this fear mongering of the virus.


Well he is old, so that focus suits him. And he obviously doesn’t care about young people dying if he thinks their deaths can gain him political mileage, vis a vis abortion.

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I love that they referenced the great barrington declaration, given that it was signed by leading experts in the field, such as Dr. Bananas and Dr. Johnny Fartpants.

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Does anybody really know what time it is? :sunglasses:

Annie Janvier, PhD, one of the declaration’s cosigners and a pediatric and clinical ethics professor at the University of Montreal, said that “it’s not science that seems to be leading what’s going on with COVID, it’s public opinion and politics.”

Nah. Couldn’t be. :roll_eyes:

And just in time for biden to say this:

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Telegraphing the plot reversal.

Nice of the WHO to play along.

D have nothing but contempt for others.

Sleepy Joe will open it all up and he will use the WHO as his “science.”

Might as well just say CHINA said it was OK now.

It is a slo mo train wreck.

They really did conspire to tank the middle class and small business.



Good thing our President has told us that WHO is not an organization that can be trusted.

There’s the organization as a whole…and then there’s this hole.

WHO Chief Says Widespread Travel Bans Not Needed to Beat China Virus

He is untrustworthy and needs to be removed and I wouldn’t contribute one penny until it happens.

“Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer,” he said.

“Look what’s happening to poverty levels. It seems that we may well have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition.”

So why are we still torturing people? Why are we not lifting these lockdowns tomorrow?

Now we’re supposed to listen to them :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yes, They finally came around. Conservatives have been sayin this for months. So is there a reason for any state to stay locked down?