Coronavirus Thread Political II

Yes JayJay the POTUS is asking the country for 15 days. In hopes of collecting empirical evidence to be the strong indicator on how to combat not only this pandemic, but also future health crisis’ that will surely crop up. It took a national mandate to shut down our way of life as we know it for a lot more people to start behaving more responsibly. And these type of preventative measures are something we all can easily practice now and forever more.

What National Mandate? There has not been a mandate from the Federal Government. Only local governments and State governments have issued any mandates. What are you referring to here?

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15 days was never going to be enough time.

He’s hinting at measures to restart areas of the country without any empirical evidence that this is the right thing to do, and with little evidence, given the state of the rest of the world, will offer much in the way of economic benefit.

And he’s giving no indication he’s built a framework on which to base these decisions. It appears a lurching from position to position based on who he has talked to last.

This isn’t confidence-building.

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As a matter of interest, which is more likely: running out of ventilators or running out of people qualified to operate the ventilators?

As far as I know the ventilators.

Decade and half ago when I said we shouldn’t be trading/dependent on China, I got laugh at on both sides of political aisle. I was accused of not being a free trader. I’m fair trader…and you cannot have fair trade with non representative nations like China.

For me…American business that put all their eggs in China basket gets no sympathy from me.

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POTUS continues daily to build a case of hope. He is only hinting of his own confidence building by the day. Yesterday the President signaled a good feeling of weeks not months for most of the country to be able to return to normalcy. The task force has said it will utilize the empirical evidence gathered during these 15-days to formulate recommendations for POTUS to consider. The President being duly elected is the Chosen One here: empowered to make the final call on the Federal government’s official response.

What about me? I put a lot of thought into it too!

Is he? Strange.

How can we practice social distancing if we go back to work? Is he proposing that we go to work and only go out for essential business like we are doing now? If bars and restaurants open back up we are all going to remain 6 feet away from each other? You can’t practice social distancing and go about life normally.

What does he mean that we will watch over our seniors?

I understand the dilemma and we definitely need to weight the consequences to shutting everything. There is no good answer, but the President again is trying paper over a bad situation. If we are to start going back to work he needs to say “look, just as with the flu there are going to be people that die from COVID19, but we’ve weighed the facts and believe this is the least worst option”. Don’t tell us eveything will be fine, because it won’t be.

This is worth repeating…

What Trump and most government leaders are expressing is their collective confidence the vast majority of their citizens will not only survive this crisis but also may very well be poised to thrive going forward. Hard to argue how the many lessons learned should have a profound impact to mitigating havoc here and with future pandemics and epidemics as well.

When he does that it will take the form of telling governors to make the call based on their particular situations. He can blame governors if it goes wrong and take credit if it works out well.

ETA: This part is just a test.

I do believe most governors will ignore him…then I suppose he can blame them (especially since the ones in the big hot zones are all Dem governors) for the economy tanking.

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Have always believed this.

Simply disagree with Trump’s methods for trying to handle it…mostly because he was talking a good game but not really handling it.

(Had to say that…this is the POLITICAL thread after all…and my thread died so…:sunglasses:)

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: you must be joking.

It’s not 30 years.

Whose call is it?

Will they not be to “blame”?

Well, he’s on Fox News right now saying that thousands die from the flu and we don’t shut the country down, so he is implicitly saying that you have to accept that there are going to be deaths. You don’t thiink that if we went back to work next week that will be more deaths than if we stayed at home?