Coronavirus Thread Political II

Extremely well put! Kudos. :+1: :clap: :clap:

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Hmmmm, I think I need an explanation of how this is any different than what the right does to BLM. Lots of people show up to BLM protest that never riot or loot anything.

Most of the world thought it would be under control by Easter as well because that’s what the “experts” were telling us.

Let’s not forget that it was only folks on your side suggesting bleach be used internally.

UV kills the virus, so does Iodine.


By all means produce a source for this over half who “shunned him”.

Trump Wants U.S. ‘Opened Up’ by Easter, Despite Health Officials’ Warnings

“You can’t just come in and say let’s close up the United States of America,” the president said, insisting again that he did not view the coronavirus as any more dangerous than the flu.
Trump Wants U.S. ‘Opened Up’ by Easter, Despite Health Officials’ Warnings - The New York Times
Absolutely false. You can’t rewrite history.

The problem is the best and quickest way to reach herd immunity traded off with making sure the most vulnerable are protected first, based on scarce resource distribution.

I wouldn’t be averse to someone doing the math (which would be an estimate anyway) as to whether it’s better to make sure the people who are vaccinated get full immunity or whether to vaccinate twice as many people so they get to 50% immunity (or some mix in between).

It’s not a totally stupid suggestion by DeSantis.

The drawbacks are

We are basing our knowledge off clinical trials that were geared towards success. The actual rollout to people is the true clinical trial…I don’t think we can say 50% after one dose/95% after two doses is written in stone.

Logistics would be a challenge if we went the route of vaccinating more people and then titer tests showed a portion or a majority of people NEEDED to have two doses.

I think that’s why they made this choice…and the FDA approved it as a two dose regimen…we can’t suddenly switch gears like that.

Good post.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has gone into quarantine after coming into contact with someone who tested positive for the coronavirus.

Sad news. Probably happened at one of his super-spreader State Department parties.

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he invited 900 people. only about 50 actually showed up. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

How much tax payer money was wasted on this idiocy?

I know, and that was for employees’ families- I guess nobody felt intimidated into going, given his lame duck status.

But he also had several other parties bankrolled by us.

Plenty, I’m sure.

And he still managed to get exposed to Covid.

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Hate is eating them alive. They are so blinded by their hate that they can not see reality.
They not only hate trump they hate anyone who is a conservative and believe that they need to be destroyed.
Obama littered the government with his supporters before trump even took office to undermine what ever the next gop president did.
I also blame the media for pushing the hate.
They believe we are the enemy.
These are people who think nothing of using death as a tool to stay in power. The coronavirus has given them a tool to use to bring the american people to heel.
Just look at how they are ignoring the leftist who were in charge of protecting their citizens in their states. Leftist governors who are installing authoritative actions that should make any united states citizen stand up and shout stop.
It is amazing have affective they have been at getting over half the citizens in the United States to follow them. I can’t believe how many people are willingly giving up their freedoms and turning against their neighbors.

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I would think the problem here is that older people in their 70s and 80s do not get the full 90 to 94 percent effectiveness. They may only be somewhere around 85% if I remember correctly… So if they only get half the dose, that makes them around 45 to 50 % full effectiveness. Is that enough to protect those people.

It is my opinion based on all the medical information I have read and the studies on Moderna and Phizer vaccines is that people need to have both doses to obtain the full benefit. Now is not the time to be cutting corners.

And I believe that DeSantis has to stick with what the FDA says or he sets the precedent of becoming the defacto regulator over riding the FDA. At this point, Pfizer and Moderna could simply say sorry Florida we are not sending you hundreds of thousands of doses so you can screw around and make them fail. THese companies have a lot more than money riding on this…they have reputations at stake as well. And if all of a sudden we start seeing failures in Fl because DeSantis wants to go against the EUA…then people start to question efficacy.

On the other hand…if DeSantis wants to give out single doses to more people and Pfizer can guarantee that there will be the same amount of doses in 21 days…then maybe it should be looked at. But if they vaccinate say 100,000 people and there is not enough to do all those people in 21 days they stand to take a great deal of criticism and they may lose a great deal of efficacy in the process.

And having a positive message is bad.
We get it. Ozone hole. Global freezing. Global warming. Oceans rising. Deadly pandemic.

Got it.

It was a lie. So yes, bad.

Interesting definition. It says Trump “wants”. It says “he did not view”.

But MSM vomits “he lied” when it is clear that Trump was expressing hope and opinion… not producing a policy statement.

Does vomit’s flavor improve after being eaten and regurgitated a million times?

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Trump knew Covid was deadly, and he lied to all of us. We know this because he was recorded telling Woodward about how dangerous and contagious it was, while contemporaneously telling the public it would be only a few people, it was like the flu, and everyone should go to church on Easter. Despicably poor leadership.