Coronavirus Thread Political II

I don’t live in Italy.

There are 180,000 hospitalization cases from the flu in the US.

There are 26,784 cases of corona in the US.

How is it overwhelming the system?

In what time span? Does a higher percentage of people who get covid-19 die from it than those who get the flu and die from it?

It’s not a hoax. It’s a problem. Which is the bigger problem?

The panic is.


December to today. Flu season isn’t over. 4 million more than last season. So an extra month.


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COVID-19 apparently. It’s overwhelming hospital systems in many locations.

The flu isn’t doing that

What percentage of corona patients are requiring hospitalization?

I don’t make it a point to memorize statistics… so me seeing the numbers doesn’t mean I’m going to be able to tell you what they are 6 hours from now. If that’s a game you like to play, enjoy.

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That’s another thing about Italy that hasn’t particularly been mentioned. Whereas we are a handshake or fist bump society, they are a kiss ‘em on both cheeks society. That may not be as bad as licking religious icons in Iran, but it has got to have made a big difference in the initial outbreak.


Those numbers don’t look nearly enough to overwhelm the hospitals across the nation.



Last I heard around 20%.

It’s not over.

You don’t need to memorize them. Once is enough for now.

And what’s your point?

Only if you measure success by stopping the virus 100%. If you measure it as slowing it down, (flattening the curve) it has been a great success.

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It doesn’t add up.

If it continues to grow exponentially which it seems to be it will hit the numbers that do overwhelm the system.

Not one bit.

Where do they send the infected once confirmed to have coronavirus?

So no details what-so-ever, just fearmongering. I understand.

Thanks for explaining exactly why Trump thinking it was the only solution that was needed was a utter failing until it was too late.