Coronavirus Thread Political II

article on the value of test and trace

Oh, oh libs! Mr. Ranger isn’t going to like this. :sunglasses:

This guy literally resigned yesterday. Isn’t even finishing out his term.

He now says…his constituents and strangers from all across the country…changed his mind. :sunglasses:

Could it be a classic right wing grift?

If the Darwin Awards are renamed the Trump Awards will that prove evolution or creative design?

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Ha I vote for both

It will prove libs have been infected with TDS. Now keep talkin… :sunglasses:

…and the defense rests. :sunglasses:

So that’s one vote for creative design.

If you use TDS as a debate point you have no defense to rest.

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…and you have the perfect name. :sunglasses:

Are we still defending injecting disinfectants and putting UV lights in our chest cavities through the skin or other ways?

Sorry mate but its your president talk about ingesting disinfectant.

Obviously the answer is yes.

So this guy’s a hero because he chose to resign and then changed his mind? Okay.

No. He’s a hero because he didn’t buckle under pressure from what he truly believes in. He’s also representative of the spark that is igniting across the country among minorities. If you don’t believe me…ask Candace Owens. :sunglasses:

When she was an anti Trump liberal or when she suddenly became a conservative?

…after she matured from being a child into adulthood and she made up her own mind applying facts.

From made up TDS to making fun of screen names. You make my case.