Coronavirus Thread Political II

It looks like all of the laws that were passed in VA have already been passed in other states as well. If they are unconstitutional, I think would have been disputed by now.

It may pass in a liberal state but it won’t pass in a conservative state. Not only will it not pass, it’ll go to the mat.

What? Which law or laws won’t pass in a conservative state?

Missing from the package that Northam had proposed, though, was a ban on the sale of “assault” firearms(Virginia Senate blocks assault weapons sale ban Northam had promised) and guns with high capacity magazines.

That wasn’t passed. I guess I’ll be more specific. Which laws that the state legislature passed and Northam just signed into law won’t pass in a conservative state?

No, I’m not.

Yeah, we know.

■■■■ the Supreme Court. They know.

You are wrong again.

Instead of protesting for a mortgage/rent freeze and more adequate stimulus not just meant for mega-corporations, you have poor old boomers protesting for their right to work a non-essential job, because taking a few more weeks off will ruin them in our joke of a society.

Read it.

Unessentials. The new deplorables.

If you’re on unemployment, you’re making anywhere from seven hundred to like eleven hundred a week sitting at home depending on the state-retroactive to March 29th anyhow-which even if you make cheese isn’t terrible money to sit on your ass. Plus the twelve hundred cash money and five hundred extra for every kid.

So it ain’t that, not really.

What “it” are you referring to?

You know exactly what it.


Read the laws that were passed. Then read the Supreme Court decisions that have already been heard in relation to similar or same laws that have been passed in other states and argued by the Supreme Court.

You’ve told me previously that you are an attorney “in your community”. Are we discussing the US Constitution here or does “your community” have a different constitution and a different way of interpreting that constitution?

Read the 2nd Amendment.


Read the laws signed by Northam.

No need. They are unConstitutional.

Remind us again of your legal expertise?