Conservatives, are DeSantis and Abbot correct?

Has what to do with OSHA?

Your question was…


Context = OSHA. Did Jbiden try to use the EEOC to enforce his little mandate?

Context = “Anything” that the Federal Gov has used 100 employees as a limit. An example was provided.

Since you want to limit it to OSHA, then there are requirements for employers with as few as 10 employees.


Doesn’t much matter, OSHA can’t be used this way anyway and the courts aren’t going to allow it.


No. You don’t get to change my context. They is OSHA, the agency being used.

I know, I said that. 10, not 100.

I agree. Highly unlikely that it survives court challenge.


Your context was “anything” not “anything limited to OSHA”.


Good Lord. Have a nice day.

You also.


The vaccine mandate is unconstitutional so what DeSantis is doing is enforcing the Constitution.

Dems are subverting the Constitution under the cover of “emergency” Covid measures & osha workplace safety, it’s all a bunch of authoritarian BS!

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You support mandates, oh and yes I did. You have supported EVERY covid based rule since it first hit our shores.


Desantis is forbidding companies from putting in mandates if they, as private citizens, decide they want one.

I don’t support Biden’s rule about companies with 100 or more.


I’d appreciate it if people could stop lying about my position on this. It’s weird and rude.

I’ve taken exception with several covid rules, particularly masks outside. But hey, you want to keep telling me what I do and do not support…very strange.

Maybe they can make abortions mandatory next if you want to work for them, cut down on that pesky maternity leave problem.

If babies were transmissible via respiration, maybe your bizarre hypothetical would make more sense.

They can mandate your medical choices or not.

After, in response to, what Yaboi did. The central government coerced the private sector to violate citizen’s rights. The governors are preventing them from violating those rights.

That’s why you don’t open that door in the first place

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That should be: “Desantis is forbidding companies from putting in mandates if they, as employers, decide they want one.”

Citizens, in general refer to people, while employers refers to a legal entity which hires people to do work.


IMO, only on issues that can affect the general health and well being of fellow employees, customers and your community.

Is that a difficult concept to grasp?