Congressional Hearing (7-22-24) Secret Service director Set to Testify About Attempted Assassination of trump

They better make clear to this idiot that she better come with answers, or she’s gonna be back again and again until she has them.

No D.C. speak allowed.


I predict a lot of filibustering and few answers.


She has nothing to worry about. She will blame a lack of funding and the underlings for a criminal level of incompetence.

Most unfortunate since Peter Navarro was released there is an open cell with her name on it.

raskin already doing dimocrat dimwit stuff.


It’s hard to say time and a place but….this seems like a very specific hearing and not for mass shootings in general.

Always about the narrative.

She can’t/won’t/refuses to answer about a dozen questions already.

And that’s just in the first 3-4 minutes.


Nothing to see here folks.

Just D.C. speak.

It is being reported she has just said she takes full responsibility for the security failures.

No answers.

No responsibility.

Now norton is way off topic. The old fossil.

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Yep, just HAD to get that "AR is scary black rifle… ■■■■■■■■■

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In typical liberal fashion, instead of focusing on the “obvious” SS failures that occurred during the assignation attempt, the left wants to turn this hearing into another gun grabbing circus.


No answers and the dems are gun grabbing. :roll_eyes:


Bingo! :+1:

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Yeah that was not needed. Nothing like s politician grandstanding.

She just testified “there were sufficient resources” at the trump rally.


She has nothing to fear. Democrats have been thumbing their noses at Republicans since Obamas term and it’s worse under Biden. Not a one of them, from Mayorkis or Pete or any other incompetent idiot has been held accountable for any of their criminal or incompetent actions. They are all safe until Trump gets back into office. They probably still won’t get anything else other than fired. Contempt of Congress is a joke and Democrats know it…

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Both Comer and Raskin have released a letter asking for her resignation.

She should have resigned already.

Such a breathtaking failure that day. Completely appalling.

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She took a beating and I expect she’ll resign shortly.

…considering how steep that roof the assassin shot from was…she placed agents inside the building.