Congressional Hearing (7-22-24) Secret Service director Set to Testify About Attempted Assassination of trump

All for show.

Left, right and the idiot in the chair.

I doubt it.

Doubt she has the integrity (lacking like the rest of this administration) to resign.

Trump will have to win to get her out imo.

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Things that dont pass the sniff test from this hearing.

  1. Why were the left trying to strip Trump of Secret Service Protection when oversight committees knew Iran wanted to Assassinate Trump?

  2. Why is no one on the left forcing Biden and Harris to fire Cheatle? They certainly have enough capital to force Joe to not run. Why not this? Which is very telling to me

  3. Why was Jill Biden announcing Events on the same day and city she knew Trump was in? Was it to intentionally divert resources to her?

  4. Why did Jill Biden need an 18 car Security Detail?

  5. Why is Cheatle obfuscating simple points?

  6. Why did she lie about slopes being an official USS rule in her statement to the press?

  7. Why is no one fired?

  8. Why did she leak her opening statements to the press before handing it to congress?

  9. Why were security resources stripped from Trump and given to Jill?

  10. Why has Biden not fired her yet?

Get this, Agents were on more steep roofs than the one Crooks was on.

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I doubt it, she looked pretty confident Biden would not fire her.

LOL the Left wants her to resign? If the left wanted her gone she would have been fired and pressured much like Joe was forced to step down and not seek a reelection bid. The only people who are serious about wanting her gone is the right.

She resigned according to foxnews.

Next up, boycotts of anyone who hires her.

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Why should that DEI hire running the secret service have given any straight answers to Congress?

The secret service is under the umbrella of homeland security…her boss is that lying garbage Alejandro Mayorkas.

She could have gotten tips on how to lie, stall, filibuster, and generally be completely useless from him.

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Hopefully whoever takes over will do better.

You know you screwed up when you tick off members of both parties, she finally saw she was done


My only guess is she was forced to resign because of the Jake Sullivan event too. She Screwed up on both sides. We already know Trump is going to fire whoever Biden or Harris hire and put in Bongino.


She’s gone. She should have resigned much much quicker.

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Same should have happened to Mayorkas.
Why didn’t Congress apply same pressure to him???


LOL She was forced to resign because of the bad political optics it painted on the left. No worries Kamala just outshined this by giving Netanyahu the finger. the gifts that keeps on giving for Trump.

You are spot on with that post my friend. :+1:


I don’t think Mayorkis and company expected the Flak they caught from some of the committee dems (i didn’t either).

Not to worry Tiliab and Pressley were still nasty towards Trump in the hearing.

Real horses patoots.


Its obvious the WH had no intentions of firing her or forcing her to resign because she said she would not resign in the hearing, which means no one talked to her about it till after the congressional hearing. That being said the new SS Director is not going to say or do anything different than what Cheatle did in a hearing. The new leftist talking point will be let the FBI do its job.

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Right about the new director as well.

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Thank you friend.

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