Congratulations Ms/Miss/Mrs Doe it's a boy. Now lets have a discussion

Cool. So you made a claim. Built your angry strawman with it. And are not willing to defend it. Very well. Just wanted to make sure it was all here for others to see. Carry on with your fuming opinion.

how can I build a strawman, with Democrat Politicians getting rid of all of Americans straws?

“Two-thirds of Americans want Roe revisited to allow for state regulation of abortion or to ban it altogether.”

~@ The American People.
Dear American People- Do you ever get tired of trying to explain something to someone, that you no, that no matter what you say, no matter how logical you’re, and no matter how many facts you put on the table, you’re opponent will still come from a biased close minded point of view, and not even care what you write? lol. Welcome to my world. :smirk:

You said illegal.

Your study says limited or restricted.

In the immortal words of Wild Rose…“Buy a dictionary”.

Even those of us who are pro-choice agree that there should be restrictions.

So you’ve missed yet again. But nice try.

Most Americans support limiting abortions to the first trimester, barring medical reasons?

Wow! That’s some real breaking news uncovered by Breitbart!

I’m sure you realize this in no ways supports your assertion that most Americans wish abortion to be illegal.

I won’t go into all the disingenuous ways the Breitbart article describes these sentiments in order to give the impression that Americans are asking for any more restrictions on abortions than already exist, or support anything like what’s going on in Alabama or Ohio or Missouri.


Somebody doesn’t read so well.

Time for me to go hunting! lol.

We read quite well…the actual story not your spin on it.

Only 16% of Americans want an outright ban…I know that doesn’t look as impressive as when you lump it in with the 2/3 who want much lesser restrictions.

So hopefully you’ll own up to your spin when you finish your hunting trip and read the actual poll results.

Sadly you must have attended a public school. Your reading comprehension is rubbish.

“to allow for state regulation [this does not mean ban] of abortion or to ban it altogether”

Does not equal “ban it altogether”

Again, thanks for playing. Study hard and next time you might get to the next round.

I can be wrong. I’m not perfect. In fact I’m far from it. Heck! I’ll be wrong all the time if you want me too. If Abortion was made completely illegal in general. I’ll tells ya whatever ya wanna hear, to a certain degree. lol. It doesn’t mean that I have to mean it though does it? lol.

To bad Obama and the Democrat Politicians took away the rights from the states of making their own choice on that.

Darn! you got me on the 16 Percent. I think that we should go back to the Constitution.
You know, letting the states decide for themselves how it was before?
Before Obama and the Dems overthrew the Constitution and started to play God.

“In addition, the survey finds 65 percent of Americans say if the Supreme Court revisits Roe v. Wade , the high court should either return the issue of the legality of abortion to the states (49 percent) or outlaw the procedure altogether (16 percent).”

Either way Dem Dems, your politicians didn’t give the American people what they wanted. nd they did it intentionally, because they wanted to be Radical, and to
help destroy the morality of America.

lmao!!! lol. Yes, I’m one of those smelly Walmart Shoppers. Heck! I actually prefer Aldi’s to Walmart, because it’s cheaper there, than Walmart! lol.

Yes, I attended public school. What’s wrong with Public School? We can’t all be “Rich Democrats” with “Democrat Privilege”, and attend Private school.

I just guess us “Public School” attended folks aint good enough for Democrat Politicians. hehe

I’ve always been a slow reader, and sucked at it. Mainly a C type student. No matter how hard I studied, still couldn’t do that well. We can’t all be book smart(tried to be brainwashed by Liberal Scholars in schools/Liberal Education). lol.

“Rich Democrats” or “Rich Republicans” doesn’t matter they both go to private schools because that’s how you get the leg up in our society.


So are you telling me, that it’s not all just “White Privilege”?

If this is true………………….I’m going to have to re-think everything that the Liberal Mainstream News has been telling me about “White Privilege”. lol.

If someone does have money, is it wrong of them to send their child to a private school?

There are many different privileges that exist in our world. Wealth is an economic privilege, and no it is not wrong to send your children to private school.

Defunding public education because your family can afford private schooling would be wrong.

It would think that it would be a privilege and an honor to create and bring another
human being into this world. It would also test the character of a woman.

There are so many strong independent mothers in this world. I wonder what their lives would have been like if they just took the easy way out/excuse, and just had an abortion?

I also wonder if the Democrat Politicians and the people that support Abortions care about following up with the women that do have them? Or once the deed is done, do they stop caring about them, and kick them to the curb so to speak, and it’s only just all about Politics, and not really about a woman’s body at all?

So many questions.

Abortion is a kick in the crotch to all of the nice guys of the world that stick around,
and are real MEN, and want children, and will try to bend over backwards to do what is right by the mother and the baby.

Nope! Doesn’t matter. Males have no say, and deserve no rights, when it comes to the “choice” of what happens to their baby.

No, Men of America! Democrat Politicians don’t want you to have any rights, and aren’t going to give you any! end of story!

Just like it would be nice to see the far right conservatives who care so much about the unborn actually give a ■■■■ about them once they’re on this side of the womb.

uuuuuuuuum what? Once they’re born, and not murdered they actually have a chance at a good life. Weather that is the mother giving her baby up for adoption, or having family take care of the baby, or the mother taking care of the baby herself.

Once the baby is dead, it’s dead! There aren’t to many options with Abortion.
It comes down to, either Politicians are going to allow the murdering of innocent unborn babies or not?

Yep- as long as they’re not adopted by a ghey couple or a trans person.

And if the mom is struggling to give her kid a good life- well, that’s on her to have to deal with the poor life choices she made. Don’t expect us to help.

But if Democrat Politicians keep allowing Abortion to be legal, wouldn’t that mean less opportunities for gay couples to be able to adopt an actual born baby that is
up for Adoption?


Nope- our foster care system is already in a crisis…in large part because of the opioid crisis that Trump is trying to address in the least effective way possible- by wasting funds to build a barrier to stop a channel where almost no drugs are coming from.

So the solution is not to load it down with even more infants.

And interesting you ignored the second statement in my post…