Congratulations Ms/Miss/Mrs Doe it's a boy. Now lets have a discussion

I mean just look at Abortion. It use to be illegal, and that’s back in a time
when the Average Politicians, and the Average American had more integrity,
were more honest, and had more morality.

Now, since all of those things are lower now, it’s no wonder that
Abortion is now legal.

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I guess my questions for anyone that votes Democrat in general would be simple.

Would they support and respect the decision if their mother had wanted to Abort them?

Cause if so, then they wouldn’t be here today, but if not, then it contradicts
their so called beliefs, or it’s a woman’s body, and she can do what she wants with
it, and Abortion isn’t supposedly immoral, and should stay legal.

If Morality is an Opinion, and not a Fact, of knowing the difference between right and wrong, then America is in very very big trouble!

Because the Democrat Politicians and their followers in this country love to force their “opinions” on others in general, and have been doing so for over 75+ years easily. lol.

I mean ya either got morality or ya don’t. ya can’t just sit there and go………….hu? What do I think morality is? If someone goes and kills somebody and murders them, but in their “opinion” murder is ok and moral to do, then it would be ok technically to not put them in jail correct? Because in their “opinion” they weren’t doing anything wrong from a “moral” stand point!!! and from your logic, we couldn’t judge them, so it would be ok.

I mean, ***!?

Where do you come up with this ** that you call logic!!!? lol.

When people question what morality is, I take it that they don’t like having to behave the way morality dictates. They know fully well what is (not) moral. They just don’t want to comply.

It always comes from someone who is arguing against a moral position.

What!? Abortion is immoral, and millions of Americans question that. and yes, people
do realize that it is immoral, so no, they don’t want to comply with it, but it is forced
down Americans throats anways.

That’s Socialism for ya folks! You’re ganna take it! and you’re ganna like it! and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it!!! How does it feel to get forced to do something by Democrat Politicians weather you like it or not?

You’re right about one thing though, in a certain way. For those of us who do know the difference between right and wrong, morally and ethically, and know that Abortion is immoral, we don’t want to behave how DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS ARE TRYING TO DICTATE US!!! Just like in a Dictatorship.

Morality is always going to be argued in general.

It’s really ironic that you “don’t want democrat politicians dictating to us” but at the same time dictating to others on how to behave.

Having your cake and eating it too.

How am I dictating anything?

Is it dictating to America, for morality and laws to go hand in hand, and
for Police and our government to enforce certain laws, that actually make
logical and moral sense?

Is it dictating any one to tell people in America that they’re not allowed to murder or rape someone or they will go to prison? NO, it’s just common sense, that it’s immoral, and should be illegal. lol.

As my conservative father once told me: “Morality and Legality rhyme and that’s it” You can’t legislate morality because it’s subjective.

By you pressing your morality on other people, you are dictating to them how they will live. It’s very authoritarian. For you, it may just be abortion, but for others, it may be integration of the races. Where do you draw the line?

Americans are being forced to get abortions? Where? When? How many? This is a scandal. Bring it to light. It needs to be heard.

Stranger Danger!!! Stranger Danger!!! lmao!

Joe Biden, likes to touch people in inappropriate ways! and it’s even worse
if he gives our “Candy”! lol.

It sucks that this sleazy Uncle Joe is even allowed to run for President.

Ya got Joe Biden son talking with Russia, and Hillary, and Obama. making deals
with them while in office.

They’re not being forced, but they’re being brainwashed.

Just like pot use to be completely illegal, overtime the Democrat Politicians/their lobbyists/ and Mainstream Media in general push their Liberal Socialist ways upon Americans. A lot of people now adays don’t consider pot even a drug any more. Why is that? It’s because it has become the New norm, and popular, especially amongst millennials. I’m sure the Democrat Party could ultimately do that with any other Illegal drug besides pot as well. Make people believe that it’s “natural” and healthy, and “just a plant” or good for them! lol.

The Democrat Politicians and their lackies, have made a lot of Americans believe that several things were ok or good for them, even when they’re not. It’s just that most people are easily susceptible to the Liberal ** in America now a days. Or as I like to call them, the weak minded individuals that can’t think for themselves.

But you said abortion is being forced down American’s throats against their wishes. Which is untrue. Millions of Americans disagree with abortion. So they don’t have to get one. Pretty simple, huh? Nothing is being forced on them. Not one thing. So you can rage on all you’d like. There is no force.

The majority of people in America think that Abortion should be illegal.

That’s how the Democrat Politicians are overthrowing the will of the American people,
and “Forcing” it upon us. :wink:

Provide a credible poll that shows that.

Tell ya what, I’ll head you off at the pass. A Reuters/Ipsos poll recently showed 58% support for abortion. So there goes your majority perception.

So it appears that making abortion illegal would actually be the SoCons forcing their morality down America’s throat, now wouldn’t it?

Credible sources please?

Not the same people that came up with the statistics of Trump not even going any
where in the primaries in 2016. lol.

I don’t listen to most of those polls. The same ones that predicted the huge blue wave of 2018? lol.

The problem with providing you any poll is this……….you think that most Liberal polls are probably credible. Most of those which probably have lost a lot of faith with Americans, just like Fake News Media numbers in viewers have dropped.

So then, I would post a Conservative statistics, and you will automatically call them fake, simply not because they’re not credible and have a good reputation, but simply because you would say that they’re too Conservative, and therefore tainted. lol.

So what would be the point? lol.

Gotcha. Well then I send the ball back to you. Support your claim that the “majority of people in America think abortion should be illegal”.

Actually, as members in a society that enshrines it in law, they are complicit in abortions – which is why pro-lifers will never be silenced.

It was the same when this nation had legal slavery. The entire nation was stained by that institution.

We still have slavery in our midst, but at least we do not protect it with law and by the courts.

I can only hope that some day our progeny will look back on their nation’s history of legalized abortion with the same horror and contrition we view our slavery history today.

It’s a double edge sword.

I’m completely against Abortion.