Congratulations Democrats!

Totally agree! They better enjoy themselves now because in the end they will discover their own failures. Their intense hate for our chosen president has cost this country millions of dollars in their effort to get rid of him after we the people voted him in. Pay back is coming! When this is over they should be forced to payback what they have cost our country financially with their charade and lies-that includes returning their pay checks! (Lord knows they have enough money coming in from other “sources” anyway!

it’s adFIBBED

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A “ Groundhog Day” farce maybe?

Not convinced – “Groundhog Day” is a tale of finding grace and perfection in the face of adversity. I don’t see anyone in this fiasco as on the path to either grace or redemption.

I should not speak for Karl Marx, but here goes. I think Marx would have seen the Trump Presidency of an example of how false consciousness degrades the people who buy into it.

Got any of those cat videos? I wanna hear todays con spin


most Washington dems arent stupid. they are crazy, wily sneaky and slimy. some are knee buckling stupid though, like maxine waters. others are so corrupt that they sound stupid, like debbie wasserman schitz


“I was always against him and regardless of what i said publicly, I was working behind the scene to keep him in check and push policies i knew were good for America forward”

“I personally never supported him and voiced my concerns to my of my close allies”

Pretty close.

He would break the record for aquittals as well. :+1::grin:

trump was impeached.

no one knows why! lol

cracks me up

Yes he did. Of the USA even.

No one is a bit harsh but many can’t find Africa on a map. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist :smiley:

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another idiotic narrative

i cant believe people believe this utter idiocy

edit: sorry i know you were joking

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Hopefully traitors Schiff & his cadre of Coup participant’s will be on the witness stand, along with criminals Hillary, Biden & Son, Obama, & Pelosi.

That analogy is a bit above my pay grade. I simply wanted to point out the “deja vu ” parallel of the repetitive farce/ tragedy that would likely exist should the Prez become re-elected. Without a Republican majority House and certainly the Pelosi-Nadler-Shiff(ty) actors retaining their lofty positions, this entire debacle will be the year 2020 “Rinse,Wash,Repeat”!

Ahhhhhhh…have they allowed you back in? :sunglasses:

I dont get my info from them. I heard you are the go to guy for it.

Hannity Land may need to raise their admission standards? :sunglasses:

Guess that’s a no huh.