Congratulations Democrats!

You got your impeachment, your revenge, your pound of flesh. I’m sure the celebrations on the left are giving many on the left a warm and fuzzy feeling getting a fantasy they have been working on for 3 years!

So, have your fun, enjoy it while it lasts!

The truth is already plain to most people, & the blow back is coming in the next election.

Again, congratulations, enjoy!


A solemn occasion. Didn’t want to have to do it. I pray for him…


I didn’t think they were that stupid…but they surprised me.

I do worry about the senate thou, they should allow Trump lawyers cross examine democrats house witnesses and leave it at that. Senate doesn’t have to do their job.

I understand Schiff sent new evidence last night but I’m not sure if it’s lib added or it’s ad libbed? :sunglasses:


TV time.

“enough talk, bring it on”


As I said, I didn’t think the left was this stupid. I’ve over estimated em.


The Democrats aren’t the ones that asked Zelensky for a “favor” to investigate the Bidens and then withhold congressionally approved aide. Trump brought this all on himself.

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Ah yes…its the dems fault trump was criming because obviously.

There is a very simple reason why D Trump was impeached. It was because of his actions in using the office of the President of the USA for personal gain. He did not allow witnesses, that ostensibly would have cleared him, to appear before the House of Reps inquiry/hearing.

There is only one sensible conclusion to be drawn from that action. Clearly Trump stopped the witnesses from appearing because they would not have cleared him.

I’m curious if during “opening arguments” next week the Judge will ask for the Constitutional definition of what “impeachment” is and if the Articles of Impeachment submitted by the House actually fulfill that Constitutional definition.
Also, Justice Roberts in his role would do well to rebuke Jerry “Nads” Nadler for his public proclamation of the President’s guilty outcome. I’m fairly sure that has yet to be determined?

:sunglasses: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ lib logic on display ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :sunglasses:

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Trump loving on display ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


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The Senate has been threatened by the House.

I think they will act appropriately and put this away.

They can call Trump witnesses before committee and not make a media spectacle doing it.

I would like to see Sanders, Warren and Klobochar recused to negate Collins, Romni and Murkowski.

This may come up early…Blackburn called for it.




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The right thing to do.

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Sessions recused himself with far less stake in the proceedings.

I would dig my heels in on this one.



Solemn occasion
