Comprehensive immigration reform

Obama supported the DREAM act.

So you’re saying Trump lied about it? I ageee.

And when the Drean act didn’t pass, he used his pen and a phone to circumvent Congress with DACA…thus creating the precedent of changing immigration law without changing legislation.
I can’t imagine anything Trump does will come close to matching that.

Declaring a National Emergency would far and away exceed that.

No, that is not what I said at all.
When a poster tells me what I said, it rarely is.

Comprehensive means the bill is so large you don’t know what’s in it…

Dems couldn’t care less about DACA kids…

So you do think that Trump supports the DREAM act but would never sign it. That sounds contradictory?

Do you ever get tired of making up what I say?

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Do you ever get tired of not saying anything?