Compare/Contrast The Responses Between The Two Big Decisions

They call themselves conservatives.

Very good point! :+1:

They did have the 1 riot.

Compared to the 560 or so lib riots in 2020.

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You mean the Antifa activists captured on video changing into Trump Gear before joining the protesters at the Capital and starting trouble?

You sill didn’t answer who Ray Epps would happen to be and why he isn’t in prison with the rest.

Emotional maturity vs emotional investment coupled with the dynamics of mob mentality.

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That’s nice, how many zeroes to the right of the decimal percent of conservatives are they? .0000001%?

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It’s my fault for opening the door.

Now back on topic please.

Abortions…my body, my choice…unless “we” are discussing vaccines cuz then…that’s different. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


The abortion debate is clearly more emotional, than the 2d Amendment debate, for the liberal base. For their progressive masters the gun control debate is more important, the abortion debate is just a stimulus to get their base into the street.




Blaming Roberts

There’s no excuse for the wholesale taking of unborn lives which is what this is all about.

Do you guys ever think about abortion is the taking of a totally innocent unborn life.

I mean Really think about it??? :thinking:

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In both cases the Supreme Court is saying “we have no power.”

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It is always amazing to me how people with a Hollywood/NYC “morality” believes America is like them.

And how people who have never been a parent know all about parenting.

Or people who have never carried a gun are “experts”.

Same with the military.

And it’s almost always males. I wonder if they feel inadequate at the DNA level? Some kind of Dunning Kruger?

To paraphase Samuel Johnson:

Every male feels meanly about himself for not having been a man.


A Texas group is claiming that freedom of religion includes the right to use abortion as part of their sacred rituals. Whacked-out conspiracy theories and reality are merging:

The Satanic Temple is the leading beacon of light in the battle for abortion access.
With Roe v Wade overturned, a religious exemption will be the only available challenge to
many restrictions to access.

TST stands alone because we are the only entity that can assert a religious liberty claim that terminating a pregnancy is a central part of a religious ritual that encourages self-empowerment and affirms bodily autonomy.

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Don’t worry, it’s not going to work. In the same way that I can’t start a religion and claim daily meth use is a tenet of that religion

Or how people that don’t know NYC think they are experts on what people that live there think and believe.

Your thinking is based on loudmouths that speak only for themselves.

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The same federal statute protects access to abortion clinics and access to places of worship.

Just a coincidence? Or has abortion become a religious ritual?

I don’t know. Regardless, Satanists aren’t going to be able to claim abortion as a religious practice.

:clap: :clap: :clap: Great points