Commit a War Crime, Receive a Pardon

His crime was rewarded by a Fox News gig thanks partly to a president who couldn’t remember anything at the time. Oh, and the 5th amendment that trump says you must be guilty if you use.

Hell, why have any standards at all?


I think, guilty or not, Trump thinks everything they are accused of is acting tough. I don’t think Trump believes in war crimes outside of maybe like Assad gassing thousands of people.

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I think you’re 100% correct.

Trump supporters will say “put me on the side that isn’t the side of Muslim terrorists” no matter the atrocities that side they are put on commits.

They will view any such pardons as a victory for America.

Those folks reason what these troops did as fair play when put up against beheadings and dragging our dead through the streets.

They don’t understand.


Just be happy that you get to see who is and is not for law and order.

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How about this nugget…it’s WAR, kill the enemy before they kill you!

I am sick and tired of sending our Troops To fight a suicide mission liberal PC war with barbarians!

Here’s another nugget for you…THANK YOU Mr. President!


That little girl Gallagher shot while being with her friends totally deserved it.


I guess we can put you in the “we’re no better than the terrorists” camp.That ok?


Told you so!

Of course she did. It is war. But more importantly it is Americans good, EVERYONE ELSE BAD.

Dude, get with the program!

There are no undeserving victims when our troops kill.

Remember when right wingers were apoplectic about Anwar al-Awlaki?

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Is there any such thing as a war crime? Does such a thing even exist? Your answer seems to be no, which is a hot take.

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Pardoning “war criminals”??

Small potatoes compared to releasing Gitmo terrorists who rejoined the fight.

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Ding! Ding! Ding!

We have another winner!

Agreed. I’d need to know more about each case as well.

Once again its called…WAR and unfortunately there is a lot of civilian deaths in WAR!

Why did Bush do that?

So the civillians killed here on 9/11 were merely “unfortunate” deaths because it was war after all.

No biggie!

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So we shouldn’t have murder statutes because unfortunately there’s a lot of murder in society? What pristine logic.

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