Commanding Officer of the USS Theodore Roosevelt relieved of command for failure to understand the basic concept of chain of command

This was the equivalent of pulling just outside an enemy harbor and destroying your own ship.

Yes, I was going to mention that…but you know me and how I hate to be offensive.

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Yeah, right. They used the international cheer for people you don’t like…

Captain Crozier, clap clap clap… clap clap clap
Captain Crozier, clap clap clap… clap clap clap

You can almost hear the disgust if you filter that through a Trump t-shirt.


This was the equivalent of Geraldo drawing maps in the sand.

He still had a job to do.

Sure there is, early retirement, unemployment, a desire to get a nasty-gram from SecNav, an overwhelming sense of “screw you guys, I’m going home”…all sorts of exceptions.

Resign your commission.

It doesn’t really matter whether the sailors were clapping or cheering in delight or disgust.

It was the correct decision to remove him.

Whether the sailors liked or disliked him is irrelevant.

And we don’t know if the sailors participating constituted a representative sample of the whole crew of the ship. They might have been a representative sample or they might literally have been the only sailors who liked the guy. We don’t know.

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I have no doubt those sailors believed he was doing what he thought was best for them, that he was fighting on their behalf. But, as you rightfully say, non of that matters.

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They could but they would probably suffer heavy casualties from the ROC Army doing so as of now.

The PLAN has spent a lot of money and the better part of a decade training their new marine battalions, who would be the tip of the spear in an invasion of Taiwan. They’re better trained and better equipped than any of the units in the PLAGF. IMO, I don’t think they want to waste them if they don’t have to.

The PLAGF have no issues wasting lives, they proved that in the Korean War and in the Sino-Vietnamese war. But I dunno if the PLAN feels the same way about their Marine assets. They’re the best trained personnel in the PLA. It would be devastating for the Navy if they lost all of it after spending what they’ve spent building and training.

Plus the CCP is patient. They’ll wait for the best opportunity.

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An officer cannot be busted down in rank nor given a dishonorable discharge.

An officer can be dismissed from the service by a General Court martial. But short of dismissal, he cannot be reduced in rank and if he is not dismissed, he remains eligible for retirement at his current rank, though his retired pay could be reduced from 0-6 to 0-5.

The Navy has already indicated that he will NOT face any judicial proceedings, meaning that he is assured of retirement either at 0-5 or 0-6.

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I fully share the above assessment.

China will wait until the PLAN and the PLANMC are 100% ready.

And I have zero doubt that President Xi will use the PLAGF in a war of attrition, a style of war than the mainland with a population of 1.386 Billion will obviously win.

A grander scale of General Grant vs General Lee. General Grant had basically an endless supply of cannon fodder while General Lee needed every last man he could get.

General Lee was the better military mind but Grant had the ability to resort to sheer brute force to win.

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Far more egregious.

Geraldo was just an idiot, not a coward who instilled panic in his crew and pretty well every Navy Family in the country unnecessarily, and took a super carrier out of action without authorization at a time when China is seizing control of the SCS.

Worse, he gave classified intel to our enemies.

Some of the commenters in this thread need to look at the Roosevelts Facebook page and other social media. The CO was widely respected by the crew and their families. I daresay more respected than SECNAV or President Bonespurs…err…Trump.


Was, right up until he did this.

The problem isn’t how the crew viewed him, hell I’d say most crews have a favorable view of their COs. The problem is with what he did…and the fact that he damn well knows better.

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Sorry, don’t agree.

Then why were they chanting his name instead of booing him or just ignoring his departure?


I know people on that ship.

There is no way the guy didn’t go up the chain of command first before the letter-writing, is the word from that group.

That is what I am hearing…his crew is loyal to a fault to him, so maybe that’s where this is coming from, but I thought I’d throw that out there.


You are wrong.
They were cheering him, they knew he was doing what he did for their health.

Take YOUR feelings out of it, that crew felt he had their back and they let him know.


They weren’t…they were cheering him…they totally have his back.