Coming death of this Russian Collusion conspiracy

Nonsense, again.

You don’t put yourself into jeopardy just to speed things up. His lawyers gave him great advice.


you don’t see him trying to hide anything? How many times did he write"I don’t remember"? How many ways did he try to fire Mueller? How many times did he demand his AG PROTECT HIM!!! (You think that’s what the AG is for? To protect the POTUS?) How many people did he order to lie to congress?

How many lies did Sanders admit to giving to the press? How many

And you still aren’t addressing the core issue! The subject of an investigation doesn’t get to decide the investigation is bogus! EVEN IF THEY KNOW IT IS!!!

Agreeing to an interview would not have speeded anything up, but would likely have trapped Trump. No chance Trump’s lawyers would have allowed that to happen.

As you correctly point out. Trump would have been off script and ripe for the picking. He wouldn’t have intentionally lied, but his feeling of invincibility would have been his undoing. That simply could not have been allowed.

I see him battling DAILY a press that has incredible bias against him. 90% to 95% negative reporting, day in and day out, week in week out, month in, month out.

If you think his actions were paranoic that is the reason why. When you know you are going to be savaged DAILY for something you also know you didn’t do, it has a tendancy to color everything you say and do, in response.

He was innocent and he knew it.


I think he was just choosing where to put his resources and didn’t think he would get anywhere with Trump. The report said that he didn’t want to force Trump to testify because he basically ran out of time.

You can still obstruct justice even if you are innocent.

Take clinton - innocent in the white water scandal. Still obstructed justice.

They actually can decide it is bogus. It is how they react to that bogus investigation that matters.

In Trump’s case, he did some politically stupid things. But he never crossed the line legally.

None of what I said is nonsense.

He is the PRESIDENT. He is in charge of the whole justice department.

He INDEED can decide if an investigation is bogus. He KNOWS it’s bogus, to boot!

All he wanted was for the investigation to QUICKLY show that he was what he KNEW he was. And when it wasn’t doing that, he blamed the investigators.

Who else SHOULD he have blamed? It’s their failure to get to the truth, quickly, and we all had to pay for the turmoil, as a result.


Tell that to your lawyer when someone asks you for a deposition.


Been there on both sides of the table.

He WAS guilty of trying to hide things - obstruction - because he was guilty of doing the things he tried to hide.

Trump is innocent. What does he have to hide?


Then if you have any kind of decent lawyer he is NOT going to tell you to help speed things up for the prosecution, at your possible expense!


None are so blind as those that will not see.

Wait. I thought you were just making the argument that Trump wanted to speed the investigation up

And that is exactly where INTENT plays a role. We can both agree that someone can use legal means to obstruct - to try to hide their guilt - but that same act can also be interpreted as an attempt to get a better, more accurate and speedier investigation - not to obstruct anything.

So what makes more sense, if you are ACTUALLY innocent and you know it?

That is the way Barr and Rosenstein came to their conclusion. What makes sense? If you are innocent why would you want to obstruct the truth getting out?

You wouldn’t.


This is the beginning. You may need to buy a helmet.


Not at your expense!

He wanted to speed things up for the nation - to get past this. But NOT at his expense.


He punted in deference to the tradition that a sitting president can’t be indicted. He’s leaving that to the congress.