Comey and McCabe taxes

Nice to see you stop pretending to be against authoritarianism.

Yes…libs need a taste of their own medicine…triple doses or more.

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Embrace your inner authoritarian!

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Go cry me a river. Libs need their own government to go after them , I mean you support those government agencies don’t YOU.

I care. On both counts.

And I don’t care which political power abused government agencies to target people. It’s wrong and abusive and detrimental to what this nation should be.

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Thank you for restoring my faith in conservative consistency.

For what?

Not an IG.

Comey broke protocol and announced they were investigating HRC days before the election.

Picking nits.

IG was your term. How low can the information go?

So a known problem.

Audit him!!!

Apolitical is the pertinent point.

But hey, keep cheering trump exacting revenge. Its funny.

Follow the money!

There is no such thing, although Durham comes far closer than yabois.

For what?

You said jackwagons! :rofl: :clap::clap::clap:

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