Comer gave his brother $200,000 through a shell company

They just did that.

If they have an image of the check, they have access to his bank records.

Yeah…than show it.

Talk to Comer. I’m not on the committee.

But that forbes article outlines where Biden made his money.

Show him making money but doesn’t show him making 200 grand loan.

Bank records do.

A source with direct access to the documents Comer’s committee has obtained via subpoena provided CNN with copies of some of the James Biden banking records the committee obtained as part of its broader investigation into the finances of members of the president’s family.

Comer’s team does not dispute that these banking records show that James Biden was sent a $200,000 wire transfer on January 12, 2018, less than two months before James Biden and Sara Biden wrote Joe Biden the March 1, 2018, “loan repayment” check for $200,000.

Than show the check/bank statement of Joe loaning his brother 200 grand.

…but…but…CNN said so. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

But banking records reviewed by CNN, which Comer’s committee possesses, provide substantial evidence in support of the Democrats’ assertions that there was indeed a $200,000 loan from Joe Biden to James Biden less than two months before the James Biden “loan repayment” check to Joe Biden for the same amount.




You asked:

That wire transfers shows him making 200 grand loan.

I’m done…only so much of this I can take.

Unless you can prove Joe Biden made 200 grand loan to his brother.

Tired of repeating myself.


Show me…

Not quite. Comer’s letter spells out why records of Biden transferring $200k to brother months before receiving $200k are not “proof”

“If Joe Biden did personally loan James Biden an amount that was later repaid by the $200,000 check, please provide the loan documents, including the loan payment, loan agreement, and any other supporting loan documentation. As you may know, the Internal Revenue Code has specific requirements for delineating and reporting ‘below-market [rate] loans” from gifts. While there are some exceptions, for example loans of $10,000 or less, the payment in question would not appear exempt from such requirements if it is a loan. Indeed, there appears to have been no interest paid on the ‘loan’ based upon the White House’s own representations. The current lack of documentation leaves reason to doubt claims that this transaction was repayment for a legal loan. We request documentation clarifying the nature of this payment and whether all applicable documentation and IRS filings were properly made,”

He’s gonna resist ever calling this a loan unless these guys drew up formal papers, etc…

I did.

Here is another source.

“These records actually show that President Biden was the one who stepped in to help family members when they needed support, including by providing short term loans to his brother,” said Rep. Jamie Raskin, the ranking Democrat on the oversight committee.

“These bank records show that in 2017 and 2018, while President Biden was not in office, he provided two short-term loans to his brother, James, who repaid each loan within two months,” Raskin said in a press release on Oct. 20. obtained an Excel spreadsheet of wire transfer records and check images that are consistent with Raskin’s account.

Those records show two wire transfers from Joe Biden to a joint account for James and Sara Biden, one for $40,000 on July 28, 2017, and one for $200,000 on Jan. 12, 2018. The wires came from an “Attorney Trust Account” maintained by Joe Biden’s attorneys at the firm “MONZACK MERSKY MCLAUGHLIN BROWDER.”

A check image from Sept. 3, 2017, shows a $40,000 payment from a joint account for James and Sara Biden to Joe Biden (the check is signed by Sara Biden and is labeled “loan repayment” on the memo line). The payment was deposited into the same account from which the $40,000 wire payment was made 38 days prior.

An image of another check — the one highlighted by Comer — shows a $200,000 payment from a joint account for James and Sara Biden to Joe Biden on March 1, 2018. That’s 48 days after Joe Biden wired James Biden a similar amount. It, too, is noted as “loan repayment” in the memo line.

Yeah, but he does not, because he can not, refute that Joe sent Jim 200. Then Jim sent Joe 200.

Net, Joe is even, not up 200…

You’re still stuck though… the wire transfers have not been released, so you can’t “show” them.

If the transfer exists as is reported it seems a futile way to attempt a money transfer.

Comer has images of the checks. He could release the transfer records if he wanted to.

note, he does not deny they exist.

Yep probably. But you are stuck in this thread, because you don’t have them.

Biden could also release them.

I love that you folks put so much faith in the tax returns of a pathological liar.

Did the 200k and 40k from his brother make it on there? Maybe they did…

As we continue to see more and more checks from him and hunter it’ll be interesting to see if that found their way to his tax returns.

To me the bottom line will always be…after all the lies he has told about this story I choose not to believe a word that man says.

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Its a farm, not stocks. He should sell his farm since he went to Congress? I think not. What committee would you expect a farmer to be on?

As for the land swaps, its pretty much explained, Dad died without a will and the brother had to figure out how to divide the property. Seems like there were parcels they did not immediately agree on, so they created a company to hold the property while they figured it out. evil bastards


IOW, a well off family transfered some money back and forth to each other…where did I hear about that before?