Comer gave his brother $200,000 through a shell company

Notice the timing. Notice the slant. Notice the depth of information provided. As I said, this is an IRS thing and I’ll wait for their view.

When the facts are loaded up against you…

Go for distraction.

Stupid OP…

Write it off to “we got nuthin’”


Yes, waiting for more information seems more logical than jumping to conclusions based on one’s preferred political party.

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Mine is an opinion at this point, based on the article provided in the OP. The slant alone labeled it pure garbage. It wasn’t neutral, pointing out facts. It was feeding the narrative they wanted you to swallow.


Good. Then lets get to the bottom of both Biden’s and Comer’s transactions. Lets find out what is behind each of them. They both need to be forthcoming with all documents so we can close this issue up.


The point is, of course people of means loan and give and transfer money between family members.

Comer did it. Biden did it. I promise you many others do it too…

Of course, just like literally every article ever written.

Where did Biden’s money come from? What did they receive in return? These are questions that should be equally asked of both Comer and Biden. One is regarding a family farm while the other is coming from overseas entities. Do you really not see a vast difference here? How are those outside the country related to the Bidens?

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I don’t disagree. The MSM has evolved into a political weapon both by the left and the right. The thingy is though, over 90% of the media leans left.


They’ll lie with impunity it’s what Democrats & DC swamp creature’s do :woman_shrugging:

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Yes but I’m going to hope that those asking the questions, already have the evidence of the answer that they’ll have to address. I’ve listened to Hunter speak and he isn’t the brightest bulb in the lamp. I look forward to hearing his testimony and hope it’s the likes of a Jim Jordan asking the questions.


They can lie but Comer has wire and bank records of where it came from and the different shell companies the money was laundered through and how and who got paid.
Hell, he’s got payment records made to Biden family grandchildren!
Can’t wait to hear the stories :rofl:


Look at Bden’s tax returns. He was upper middle class till he was VP. Then he started doing speaking engagements and wrote a book, and got rich.

pretty typical.

An informant said that millions were being laundered to the Biden’s for getting rid of the Burisma prosecutor. Biden bragged about getting rid of him and the millions were found in fake corporate accounts.
Comer appears to have exchanged cash for land.
Both are transactions.
Apples to apples.

…no paintings?

Nailed it. :point_up_2:

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…as he picked his nose while bragging about it. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

check out the 55 second mark. He is such an ass.

Than lets look at Biden bank records and see where he made that 200 grand loan to his brother.


It’s in his tax returns.

No…lets look at his bank records and see where he made that loan to his brother.

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