Colorado courting disney

You know more than the market?

Most of Musk’s $200 B in net worth is tied up in Tesla. He’s not very liquid.

My favorite quote from that Times article was from an investor talking about how bare bones Musk’s offer was “It’s almost like he tweeted the offer”.

It would have been abandoning fiduciary responsibility to accept such an ill thought out offer.

He didn’t secure the funding, and he can’t get that money himself without selling assets which would mean that he would pay taxes and that is something that he doesn’t do.

To suppose someone of his net worth can’t come up with the money is just absolutely hilarious, he is the sole owner of a company valued at around a trillion dollars and that isn’t his only company. I mean, that’s some funny ■■■■■

You need to stop pretending you know how this works.

It’s embarrassing.

Well…or not. Your choice.

Read what the grown ups are saying about Musk’s offer.

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Uh huh

It was in his own filing that he didn’t have the funding.

I am not making this up.

Rich Twitter Daddy is doing a stunt.

So what? He can have it with the snap of a finger, or just sell some stock.

Facts that specific books are being banned from libraries?



Again, no book has been banned, libraries make choices of which books to have every day. No other choice really, way too many books to have them all.

Oh my god what? How much stock does he own? Think he has any collateral if he wants a loan? You are amusing lol…

It’s not like going out and buying a car.

Please…stop…just stop.

Or not…like I said…your choice.

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Yes you are right, Musk doesn’t have two nickels to rub together lol

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This is on a wall at Disney World. Rand wanted Disney to produce a movie adaptation Anthem. Needs an asterisk that says: Unless it’s midterm season: then Howard Roark and John Galt better join our moral panic.

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If you want to learn…I mean really learn as opposed to trying to shield yourself from the embarrassment of having made a declarative statement about something about which you obviously know nothing and so you are tripling and quadrupling down…read the NYT article I linked.

It spells out all the issues fairly clearly.


But now, pretty much the only ones that can be in FLA for K-5 math are from Accelerated Learning.

Who is Accelerated Learning?

The Carlyle Group.

Who used to run the Carlyle Group?

What is Youngkin doing in VA on this topic?

The same thing as Desantis.

Look at how scared the progs are. They can fee fee it all slipping away.

“lgbtq history”


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Hilarious, last I checked his personal net worth was 335 billion and he has a stellar track record in regard to running companies, to suppose he can’t secure funding is absurd no matter what the NYT vomits.