CoJ is at it again

Good post. Doesn’t really rebut what @Rodeo said.

Reconstruction was ended to keep from tearing the country apart again.

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I have never been seriously threatened…except maybe jr. high school.

How many times have you been threatened with violence ?

We absolutely have gone backwards since my metropolitan childhood. There were 1,400 children of every race in my elementary school, and we all played tether ball together, we all ate together at chow time, we all played on the same sports teams, and we definitely all loved hanging out at each other’s houses.

Integration worked, and that’s been the “problem” all along. :man_shrugging:


No…that is all in your head.

I need someone to show me
The things in life that I can’t find
I can’t see the things that make
True happiness, I must be blind

Make a joke and I will sigh
And you will laugh and I will cry
Happiness I cannot feel
And love to me is so unreal

And so as you hear these words
Telling you now of my state
I tell you to enjoy life
I wish I could but it’s too late

This does seem to be the main tactic of cons. Their ideology is not embraced by the people…so all they can do is create strawmen, to attack their perceived political enemy…

Sadly…it works.

What threats?

It is odd, that those that “say” they support law and order, go after the actual law and order professionals, because why again? Ah yes…paranoid delusions. And…it’s the Libz!!!

Don’t know. How many? Post them, and if warranted, those making threats should be held accountable.

i wonder what that something is. :thinking:

Oh, you know…things like Terry McCauliffe saying he does not think parents should be telling schools what to teach their children.
And the obvious impact of all this inserting of the DOJ on one side of an issue is to serve as an intimidating factor to inhibit free speech.


The link provided pads the other issues pretty greatly.

There are four points about slavery.

There are two State’s Rights points. Both of those points are about Slavery. The two points made by South Carolina and Georgia are from both of their articles of secession. Both of those points are about the failure of the Northern States to, in their view, adequately enforce the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.
So in reality the two points in that are the one point surrounding that act. So… slavery.

Then there is the section of “Other Greivances”

First point is the election of Lincoln and fears of Abolition. So… slavery.

The next point is again from the Georgia Articles of Seccesion. It is in reference to the Black Tariff of 1842 which was replaced in 1846 by the Walker Tariff and by 1857 the Whig party had collapsed and the Southern Democrats got pretty much what they wanted then they wrote that Tariff bill. All of the other stuff is grousing about a perception that the North was getting a larger share of the Federal pie when it just isn’t true. So if one wants to go with “economic issues” a case could be made that the perception did not match the reality.

The next point comes from the Texas Articles of Seccesion. It is about the Federal inability to reimburse the state for policing the border of incursions by Indians. It is a lone section in a document that is very concerned with the preservation of Slavery. If one were to read the articles in whole and one comes away with the idea that they were seceding because of that would be a very strange reading of that document.

The only way that one can make an argument that the Secession of the Southern was not motivated by the preservation of Slavery, one has to stretch reality. That is the pervasiveness of the apoligetica surrounding all of this.

State’s Rights was the excuse surrounding the institution of Slavery. The South enjoyed an outsized power in the first part of the 1800’s and the second that they lost political power they seceded.

Yeah… I don’t think that we do really talk about it honestly. That is why there are fights over statues. That is why there are continuing culture wars over the Confederate Flag. We collectively have a severe lack of understanding about the 1800’s and how it formed this nation. I think that might be on purpose.

I do think that is what is happening. It is the latest salvo in trying to preserve the Status quo. I don’t think that you can talk about our history without talking about the history of race. Labeling everything as CRT has the effect of stopping that.

That is the reason why every single thing about race has become CRT. It is Christopher Rufo branding for power, fun and profit.


:metal: :fire: :smiling_imp:

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:yawning_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :crazy_face:

Parents can be involved in the curriculum, and if they do not like what us happening at their current school…they have options. They can move. They can send their kids to a private school, or they can try to get on the board and get involved.

What should not be condoned, accepted or defended, is threatening current board members with violence.

It is amazing I need to type that.

Who’s threatening them…1 or 2 people?

Sounds to me you’re advocating school vouchers.



Bingo. :+1:

The handful of folks making threats could and should be handled by the local police.

Dragging in the FBI is a massive over kill imo.

The real message appears to be just shut up and accept indoctrination designated by lib school boards.

No protests allowed.


That’s what makes America great! The best countries in the world are the ones in which those in power can enrich themselves and their families.