Cohen: I put family and country first

This seems to be poor timing…or not?

Brody is going to stop making payments because he claims the NDA was violated. We may end up finding out it was really Trump who had the woman paid off to get an abortion.

Which country?

If the rumors about this payment turn out to be true… then the rabid base is going to face its first real test.

It will be like he actually shot someone on fifth ave.

They still won’t care.

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Yeah… probably not.

Yep. Agreed. They’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they hold no principles or ideals above their love of their Master.

Because the funny thing about facts is that it doesn’t matter who believes them. They are simply that: facts.
When presented with truth, Trumpers are pretty hesitant to believe anything that may paint their god in a negative light, however, so there’s that.

Who cares…? = No one

It’s kind of worrisome, really. This is the type of thing you usually see with a Jim Jones type of cult. The difference is, the damage there is usually somewhat limited to the area and people surrounding those in the cult. In the case of Trumpism, it’s literally our national security at stake.

These are dark times.

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Heck, last month he was the most evil man in the world…LMAO!..

But Hillary! Lol

Absolutely. You nailed it. Our nation on the whole is at stake. And I’m confident that history will judge this period, and those participants who have been complicit, very harshly as well.


Right after trump shoots someone on 5th ave.

Hillary killed thousand in Libya for no reason, you didn’t care one lick…

Hillary lost bro, get over it…seriously.

Do you think Cohen will flippity flop?

That’s not the point, obviously…

My OP was about Cohen, I have no idea why you brought up Hillary as a defense mechanism.

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Of course it’s not but Hillary and Venezuela is literally all he ever has

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it is their go to for deflection come on man you know this… i got the diabetas… i blame Hillary…lol