CNN is so Stupid

Chicago is not a combat zone.

I was there a month ago.

Not a shot heard.


There is no context related to Chicago the thread is about a general in Afghanistan and his fully loaded gun and CNN accurately describing that

You forgot to make points 1 and 2 from your post

Again, combat zones. Try putting just the tip of your finger on the keyboard.

Chicago is not a combat zone This Thread is about combat zones and Generals and CNN stupidity for describing accurately a general with a loaded gun.

Should and shouldn’t are irrelevant.

No they’re very relevant, you chose to respond to one person off topic but not the person they were responding to that started the off topic.

Auditory exclusion. Physiological reaction to stress. Science.

People are murdered everyday in Texas yet nobody calls that state a combat zone.


Oh I think you missed the memo…in order to communicate effectively in this thread you’re going to need more caps and exclamation points to get your point across…and A LOT more Socrates.


What a weird thread…I mean if it was not for Sneaky being the OP I would say it’s a troll thread.


to combat violence

Combat zone.

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Oh so all violence means combat zones now weird.

Texas is a state. Chicago is a combat zone.

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My dogs killed a mole in my yard which now makes it a combat zone. I really like my yard a lot it’s very beautiful and I’ve got some beautiful bushes that look wonderfully beautiful in the snow.

This thread is now about my yard and snow.

Kevin Bacon.


Lol you are wrong, of course.

Texas is as much as a combat zone as Chicago is.


Texas is also a combat zone then

I feel like for some reason there is a group of people in this thread who don’t care about the topic, but rather just want to attack me personally.

It’s like looking down the 14.5 inch barrel of a gun with a flash suppressor on it.

All I’m trying to do is have a civil discussion about the stupidity of the enemy of the peo… CNN and Babs’ ignorance about guns.

Texas is a state. You are attempting, in your motivated reasoning, to compare a huge state to the south side of a combat zone.