CNN is so Stupid



can’t find a way to dispute it huh?

Neither am I. I don’t drink much.

Not one little bit. Look at all my little moths.

as another example of CNN’s stupidity, they rush in to quell any doubts about the global warming/climate change hoax by busting out a timely article in the midst of the country’s coldest thanksgivings.

don’t you dare go questioning “global warming” lol

right on their msin page right now as though it’s news. dumbasses

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:rofl: that’s not what the story is about. The story is about how the weapon of war is FULLY LOADED!!!



yeah ^ that is not disputing anything

nice lousy try

Keep the picture up! Look how he carries! It’s almost like he’s done it before, Babs!

where did i suggest that?

This thread is about mag changes, not climate change.

Voice of Experience?

Thread is not about Chicago

Context is combat zones. But thanks for stopping by.

i made no connection between that and global warming or lack thereof


You forgot to do point number one. And two.

cnn continues the boogeyman of assault rifle looking things with bimbo authors like this barbara idiot while the leapin left thinks those who arent idiotic enough to see what cnn does are the ones making boogeymen

Co-witness the BUIS on the numbers 1. and 2. Get a good cheek to stock weld on the words that follow each.

Read at the natural pause in the respiratory cycle between in and out.

Peace with people who kill civilians.

Just say no.


Oh then you should tell that to thinking man because he was the one who brought up climate change and cited an article about it to show how stupid CNN is.