Oh I won. Look at the state you’re in. Do you have a support network?

That’s both not true and stupid.
defending terrorists not a good look.
both obama and trump didnt coddle them.

My fear is that they will someday find their way back to the southern border. Maybe not under Trump, but under the next Democrat administration.
I saw a documentary on that prison just a couple months ago. My understanding was they do not come out of that place- EVER! My opinion is that if people act like rabid animals, they should be euthanized like rabid animals, but storing them in a cage until they die is an acceptable method too. Maybe if the threat of that place were made real to criminals in America they would seriously think twice before committing their crime. Of course AOC and other Lib politicians would be outside the gates crying for these poor oppressed victims…

Where did the terrorists go?
Obama and Joe let most of them out.
Yet you only called one a fascist.

Obama and Joe let most of them out
obama droned them.
you can ask Anwar al-Awlaki.
if you can talk to him.
drone first ask question later.

Yet you only called one a fascist.
trump does things that are fascist. droning terrorist is not one of them
drone first, ask questions later.
You wouldn’t know a fascist if you tripped over one.
What will you say when the drone’s over your apartment?

you can ask Anwar al-Awlaki.
Unlawful murder of a child citizen.

What will you say when the drone’s over your apartment?
terrorists on foreign soil have no rights
on american soil they do.
hope that clears it up for you.

Unlawful murder of a child citizen.
unfortunate collateral damage.
You are wrong.

You are wrong.
nope. we just disagree on the issue.
You are objectively wrong as a matter of law. That was a very ignorant post. One of many.

You are objectively wrong as a matter of law.
the DOJ at the time didnt seem to think so.

obama faced no charges.
Yet another stupid post.

Yet another stupid post
and factual.

terrorists have no rights on foreign soil.
Yet, Obama was still restricted by US law…which he ignored.