I think it would save us some money.
Certainly on their way here, many of them travelled THROUGH El Salvador,breaking Salvadoran law.
At the very least we should consider
Salvadoran deportation requests in that regard.
Even if we don’t “use” their prisons. The fact that we could send folks there will quash a lot of travel plans.
I knew that story about the prison in those pics would come back around at some point.
Now it’s making sense.
I think it’s a great idea. No one (with any sense) wants them in our prisons. They recruit gang members in prisons.
I doubt they have any fear of being in an American prison but being sent to El Salvador? That’s another story.
My fear is that they will someday find their way back to the southern border. Maybe not under Trump, but under the next Democrat administration.
They’re gonna try, no matter what.
I certainly don’t endorse jailing them all within our borders. We’ve already become the world’s dumping ground for problem populations. Let’s not become the world’s prison system too.
I agree, we need to ship them out.
After Gitmo is full?
Works for me.
Hmm, El Salvador, home of MS-13.
Question: Who is footing the bill for the El Salvadoran penal system?
Will the US legally liable if an illegal immigrant is injured or killed in an El Salvadorian prison? They are currently liable for their health and safety in a US prison.
My biggest concern is the idea of sending US citizens who have been convicted of a crime in the US to El Salvador to serve their sentence.
I doubt this will happen but if it does it would start with the most violent offenders but it would quickly expand to include all sorts of crimes and demographics of prisoners.
This is a win win take the win of course groups like ACLU will whine about â– â– â– â– them let them pay for it. I was hoping for and island like devils island but El Salvador would work just fine.
People against this doesn’t want the problem to get solved just persist.
The new right wing president made El Salvador safer and prosperous. He was persecuted by the left. Sounds like a good partnership…
Yeah, but there are other problems.
the ACLU doesnt whine, they take action when appropriate.
for instance the shutdown of asylum claims by EO.
they sued the admin.
Yeah, like they’d be unhappy.
Besides, many of the (ahem)asylum seekers broke Salvadoran law to get here.
So before we put them on trial for fraud etc. we should
- be a good neighbor,
- respect the sovereignty of our southern neighbors,
- stop being a unilateralists etc.
and let the lying crooks finish their sentences in El Salvador before their trail here even begins.
Salvadorans who have committed crimes belong in Salvadoran prisons. I have no problem except for this part:
In addition, Bukele “has offered to house in his jails dangerous American criminals in custody in our country, including those of US citizenship and legal residents,” Rubio said.
We’re thinking about sending US citizens to prison in El Salvador?