CNN: El Salvador offers to house violent US criminals and deportees of any nationality in unprecedented deal

I say we exile them and revoke their citizenship first. :wink:


Bob, you are smart enough to know what the problem is.

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I guess first flight to Gitmo has already began.

As Conan waving goodbye.



illegal to deport united states citizens to another country to serve their sentence but thanks for playing.


But it seems like a good fit for phony Asylum seekers.


It was also illegal for Obama to assassinate an American Citizen, but that didnt seem to bother you.


equating killing a terrorist on foriegn soil is not equivalent in the least
to deporting an american citizen.


Nah, they’re going to harvest their organs.

He was an American Citizen with rights under our constitution that were violated. Obamas conduct was far more reprehensible. He assassinated an American Citizen with no due process… So for you, all that Trump is doing will be great as long as he calls them terrorists? I mean after all, that is exactly what Obama did. He called him a terrorist and then assassinated him.

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I thought
this silly point was not even worth addressing. but since people are addressing it I will point out that Congress and other legislative bodies change laws all the time. (That’s why we keep them around. It is what they do.)

Heck, it was once illegal to smoke marijuana
but plastic bags were legal.

Now it’s the other way around.

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terrorists have no rights on foreign soil.


a law to deport a united states citizen will NEVER happen.

good lord. its a really stupid idea even to contemplate.


Great, drug mules can be executed on sight.

Not a bad idea. :+1:

What you agree with is irrelevant.

That’s both not true and stupid.

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I didn’t lose.

You didn’t win. You sat on a chair in the corner.

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