Clowning Around and Screaming Silly At the Confirmation

The Democrats are paying them so if they don’t show up on time and get into the hearing room they don’t get paid!

You don’t like the unhinement, change the nature of the discourse.

If only you were right.

Agreed. I don’t support these protests. It’s immaterial. Kavanaugh will get approved and libs will look like loons. They should pick their battles more carefully.

But I e always advocated the quick and speedy confirmation of judges. To the winner goes the spoils (I wish Republicans felt that way though).

Say’s you. But the video evidence rules against you. It shows just the opposite. It shows a bunch of hysterical, leftist freaks who believe that they have the right to shut down a constitutional function of the U.S. government because they don’t like the person chosen. They believe that the choice should be theirs, not the Presidents. They lose an election, then try to change the results by throwing an endless fit. Shut up. Quit acting like a six year old throwing a tantrum. In two years you can try again. Simma down.

Lololol it’s freaking hilarious that conservatives are calling liberals loons and unhinged did you forget all of the Obama years?

Conservatives complain. They whine. And so do the liberals. But the liberals do something a little worse. They try to shut down people and speech that they don’t agree with. Conservatives are not afraid of liberal ideas. Liberals are terrified of conservative ideas. And then there is the fit throwing. That is typically a liberal thing. But it simply makes them look like spoiled brats having a tantrum.

Screw that, what good is discourse without the ability to demean and belittle people I disagree with?

This isn’t a problem with liberals or conservatives, it’s an issue with radical partisans who think it’s all fine and dandy when their side does it but get their panties in a bunch when the favor is returned.

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I’m not sure Kaepernick agreed with your observation.

That is nice that they aren’t doing that for a change.


  1. How are these protestors getting into the Senate Chamber?

  2. How did Fred Guttenburg get that close and who is the little guy hustling Kavanaugh away?

You sound like a lib.


10 ch

Anybody know?

Is it true Kavanaugh’s kids left because of security concerns?

This one has the video.

Are these hearings open to the general public? How do they know how many people to let in?


Please merge this with
Clowning Around and Screaming Silly At the Confirmation

I didn’t see it.