Climate change thread of despair

So ■■■■ the planet and everyone on it then.

Planet has survive far worse. Fear mongering wont change diddly or squat. The unbelievable part of the whole global warming thing is the man made part. Everything else is pretty much OK, up to the point we really don’t know enough about the climate to make any honest judgement one way or the other.

millions of corpses of drowned polar bears will soon wash ashore…

then homeless penguins will invade florida’s beaches…

… dogs and cats sleeping together…

Absolutely. I dont like people anyway.

The planet will be fine.

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If by “we” you mean “I,” well all right. Apparently you’ve made a judgement about what is known, projecting from your own, presumably self-inflicted, ignorance.

The body of climate science “knows” more than enough at this point to make reasonably good assessments of what has happened and reasonably good predictions about will happen in the coming decades. This has been demonstrated.

Science really doesn’t ever “know” things for certain, and that fact is exploited by ideologues who wish to pretend that if science doesn’t “know” everything, then it doesn’t know anything, or doesn’t “know enough” to be very useful.

Well, lets get smart. By " we " i mean " them " ( climate alarmist ). Proof, they are always wrong.

LoL. Just because YOU don’t understand climate doesn’t mean others have a pretty decent understanding of it.

Yes, the planet will survive. I care about humans and our comfort.

Of course that’s not true at all. But it’s easy to say, so you say it.

Ever notice how the less people understand about climate science, and the higher their right-wing ideologue quotient is, the more aggressive they are about proclaiming climate science is “wrong,” or a “hoax,” etc.? I have.

Take Donald Trump for example. He doesn’t know the first thing about climate science, right?

sums it up well

Himacanes will get worse. Never happened.
Polar bears will go extinct. Not gonna happen.
Weather temps will continue to rise. Nope.
Parts of the world will be underwater by 2050. Sea lvl down.
I am trying to find some prediction where they were right. Nothing comes to mind.

Oh, Trumps prediction of Global temps being 7 degrees higher than now by 2100… even though that is a mild prediction compared to most… not gonna happen

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Yes we do, we affect the environment of this planet. Anyone who denies this is a moron.

So its the year 2050 already?

It’s not about the planet… it will still be here long after we are gone.

It is about humans.

I had no idea that republicans were the only ones heating their homes and driving cars. Learn something new every day I guess.


Humans will be here till God brings the curtain down.


Big Government not only produces a lot of waste, uses a lot of energy directly and employs many unproductive and counterproductive people to basically live off of the churn but is also a net cost to society, requiring everyone to work harder and consume more energy just to make up for what it costs them.

Progressive government is a huge unproductive consumer of resources … but I mainly only hear calls for more of it from the environmentalists.


Sure… we should work to make sure that the ones who come after us have a better time of it though.

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The Arctic has opened to up to commercial bulk container traffic.