Cindy McCain has heard Trump won't run for re-election

Your two references are way too funny. In the real interview, Ms McCain says “I’m not sure he’ll even…I don’t know.I’m just like you I hear what I hear.” In the “RawStory” rip off that has altered to make it look like she had really heard something.

I was going to comment at first about your faith in Cindy, but she never really said what Raw Story indicated. Maybe Infowars has another interpretation of the BBC interview.

Gerrymandering takes places every 10 years after the census. The last one was 2010. So my list is valid.

“I hear what I hear” … her sources are much better than yours.

Her fat is better. lol

She needs to lay off the hair bleach

Well, libs are.

Any time they here the name Trump, tha Pavlonian reflex kicks in.

If you’re trying to be witty, stop it!

Quick Google search and it seems leftover campaign money can’t be used for personal use. I’m not sure if loopholes exist.

That doesn’t answer my question.

You might want to ask Duncan Hunter. Doubtless he knows the answer.

No it isn’t. It takes place all time. Your list is out of date.
Gerrymandered districts are constantly being challenged in court- thrown out by the court and ordered redrawn. What they looked like in 2014 is not what they look like now.

LOL, she must watch ‘Morning Joe’.

i was a trump supporter in 2016 and 2017

and most of this year

but now im leaning toward being an unrestricted free agent

because he rallied for my guy

and my guy lost

and if hes not helping us win

then hes becoming a loser

and trump doesnt like losers

so i cant like trump anymore

does that make sense

if trump decides not to run

i will be glad not to have to make a hard decision

the rally i went to was fun

but his last interview was bad

Yeah, but both of those examples involve Democrats. With the exception of 2006, Republicans show up to the midterms and Democrats don’t. This year, both parties showed up and Republicans lost. That should worry Trump.

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