Cicada Apocalypse

It’s getting pretty dang loud out there. I was brush hogging my new field and kept getting covered in them every time I rustled the tree line. They’re red and evil looking. Sometimes I mistake them for wasps and run like sissy girl. Apparently, the husks they’re leaving behind are the most delicious snacks ever to my dogs.

I hate this. :rofl:


These are the End Times Obama-Gates-Fauci gain of function cannibal Cicadas


I’m stealing that.

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these are definitely a sign of global climate change warning

where’s that carbon tax??

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It is the 221st year curse, where we are getting BOTH the 13 year and 17 year cicadas.

1803 was the last occurrence, 2245 will be the next occurrence.

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I keep hearing about this. Me and my dog were around the firepit last night and it was as silent as a crypt. It’s dead silent outside all day and night. When should I expect them here in NJ?

Nothing this year for New Jersey.

Expect some in 2025 and a larger number in 2030, however.

I feel like every other year is a cicada apocalypse, somewhere.

2018 or 2019 was a big year in the DC area - I don’t hear any now in NYC.

I think in Kentucky we’ve had the 17-year cicadas 3 or 4 times in the last 20 years.

i remember as a kid in early 80’s they were everywhere! i would fill coffee cans with them. torture and kill them by the dozens.

good source of food! (for non-humans. settle down lefties)

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Living in NJ I am not unfamiliar with these creatures. They come from time to time, I can hear them. But never once did I ever see a lot of them. I mainly heard them. If I didn’t hear them, I wouldn’t know they existed. Never in large numbers where I would actually see them. I’d see a dead one from time to time.


I don’t think we are getting the big broods.

But my lawn has holes in it, so some have emerged. Just not the huge swarms.

Oh, and PSA…oak leaf mites feed on cicada larva. The mites fall on you from trees (and i don’t think it’s just oak trees) then you itch like a ■■■■■■■■■■■■■

You might think you have bed bugs as they often fall down the back of your shirt and eat your back.

If you walk under trees a lot during cicada season wear a wide brimmed hat.


The last big brood, our sidewalks were covered. The really big brood before that, even more so.

You could literally shovel them up off the sidewalk.

I have never encountered that. I grew up in the Maplewood/South Orange school district. In the 90s I lived in Basking Ridge. Briefly in Lacey Township. Then from 2001 until now, in the Manasquan area.

I have a lot of New Jersey covered there. Like I said, if I didn’t hear them, I wouldn’t know they were there.

Shut the hell up already!! :rofl:

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Brown noise. They’re finally dying off here. Went strong for a month.