Cicada Apocalypse

Brown noise behind a wall, at night, with the fan on, maybe.

Needles in the ear drums working out there next to them. I can hear them while operating my 1951 John Deere Model B. :rofl:

They sound like they’re burping here. One long guttural low pitched burp.


could be the burried chemicals

Damn, is that all we had to do? :rofl:

Cicadas are nicknamed land shrimp. They share the same family of shrimp and lobsters. Lots of recipes out there that look pretty tasty.

People all over the world dine on cicadas, including the Native Americans that lived here before the Europeans arrived.

Cicadas have been named “the shrimp of the land” due to their taste, prevalence, and appearance.

These delicious bugs live their lives underground sucking on roots and loading up on all kinds of nutrients that pass through the tree roots.

Not only are they a decent meal, but they are extremely nutritious and give you large amounts of proteins and nutrients that are great in a survival situation (pound for pound, cicadas offer the same amount of protein as beef).

The before-fore times when eating insects was only a suggestion. :rofl:


I’d be willing to try them. Apparently, they taste like lobster/shrimp if broiled.

I’d be willing to try them too, in an apocalyptic situation. Luckily I don’t have to.

They should taste like lobster, after all, they are the cockroaches of the sea. They all probably taste similar.

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I’m not eating bugs y’all.

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Which is the beautiful thing about the free market.

I don’t eat bugs.

I don’t eat sea cockroaches (lobster). I don’t eat sea termites (shrimp). I don’t eat sea spiders (crabs).

But I am more than happy to sell these products and make profit off of it from people who DO want to eat these products.

I will happily sell bug derived products and laboratory grown meat to those who wish to consume said products.

I will happily sell traditional beef to those who wish to consume it and I will consume traditional meat myself.

Hell, we even sell vegan products, though I think the vegan lifestyle is wrong headed and counterproductive. But if people wish to pursue it, I am most happy to take their money and provide them vegan products.

I never say no to market revenue.

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Fast food restaurants should jump on this mandibles first. People have been complaining how expensive fast food has become. They should introduce a much more affordable crawling menu.

McDonald’s can bring out the McBug Burger. Taco Bell could have a soft or hard shelled carapace taco.

KFC might create breaded thorax strips with honey mustard sauce. With cicadas, the options are nearly limitless, since your wallet isn’t.

Insecticides gradually turn them into satanic superfood.

:yum: :drooling_face:

This summer’s hottest dance move. :rofl: